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Tag: ms fatigue

A quick short note today. Had occupational therapy this morning kicked my ass. Such a difference from last week of what I was able to do. I can’t be too upset because I know this routine. Some days are better than others and today wasn’t a great day. It is getting hot outside and the OT room was warm. I was sweating and I was appropriately dressed and doing very little. Another one of my MS symptoms is my body…

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Sometimes you need to just rest

Sometimes you need to just rest

I’ve been run down lately. The words “I’m tired” have once again been part of my everyday response to “how are you”. I’m not sure when I became so tired again but I know I’ve started canceling plans because of how I feel. A beautiful weekend and I’m inside with all my windows open and a great view. Sometimes you just need to rest. The only thing is it doesn’t really help. Fatigue is a strange thing because it isn’t…

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I’m getting hot

I’m getting hot

It’s getting hot outside. The summer is coming and my hibernation will begin. Most people can’t wait for the nice weather and the glorious heat of the summer, I’m not that person. I have multiple sclerosis and I am heat intolerant. Heat or high humidity can make many people with multiple sclerosis (MS) experience a temporary worsening of their symptoms. Doctors believe that this occurs because heat causes nerves (whose myelin covering has been destroyed from MS) to conduct electrical signals even less efficiently….

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A honest look at an MS bad day

A honest look at an MS bad day

I was fatigued yesterday doing my normal routine in the morning which involves cleaning up after my dogs, feeding them and morning grooming for me. I had a goal to workout. I knew I should have waited a bit since i was already fatigued but I wanted to get it over with. On top of this my stomach was bothering me. I know better for all these reasons but I pushed it anyway. Within 10 minutes of my chair Zumba…

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Keeping my Multiple Sclerosis body strong

Keeping my Multiple Sclerosis body strong

I went into the gym in my building this week. It isn’t a large gym but they have more than enough to get a good workout. I have been trying to do some weight lifting exercises in my condo over the weekend. The problem is I’m exhausting myself and my arms and I’m alone. It is causing problems for me when I’m trying to get around. Not the safest thing for someone with MS to be doing. I decided to…

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Multiple Sclerosis no rhyme or reason

Multiple Sclerosis no rhyme or reason

I say this all the time, you can’t plan for things because you just don’t know. What doesn’t cause problems one day may be a gigantic obstacle the next day. One day you feel fine the next you can’t get out of bed. People around me always say it’s the weather or may say maybe you’re getting sick, I just know it’s the nature of the disease. A good example is when I was playing mahjong. I’ve had issues many…

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My first van oops

My first van oops

So I was at my hairdresser yesterday, an appointment I never miss. I was alone with my van and wasn’t the least bit concerned. I knew I needed my walker not my scooter to go in so my aid and I had that in my car before I went. I was even prepared and got my other walker out of storage so I didn’t have to worry about bringing it back into my condo. I meet my mom at the…

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Exhaustion and fatigue setting in

Exhaustion and fatigue setting in

I could have spent the day in bed. That’s the one thing two dogs and a nursing aid that comes early in the morning prevents. Not that my aid would mind or wouldn’t help me but my dogs would drive me crazy running between her and me. I can’t shake the exhaustion in the morning and the fatigue in the evening yet. I actually think this started from my rituxan infusion back in mid March, I believe I said I…

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Weather change changes MS symptom

Weather change changes MS symptom

As the weather starts to get warmer I start to get more sluggish. It’s beautiful outside and I’m ready for a nap. Yesterday the temperature hit over 60 degrees for the first time, a gorgeous weather day but after physical therapy I was thrilled to be home. I was exhausted. Physical therapy was difficult. My therapist, knowing I hate this answer, said it’s weather changes as always the body has to adjust. Our symptoms get worse than hopefully level off…

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Go me…a good MS day!!!!

Go me…a good MS day!!!!

I went in my pool yesterday for the first time in almost 4 months. It’s the first time I even swam since the middle of January when I was away. My elevator was broken for so long and it is my elevator that is attached to the building with the pool. For me in my wheelchair, I have to go outside to get to the pool when my elevator is broken because otherwise there are steps. Other people wouldn’t have…

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