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Tag: ms fatigue

I’m getting tired of fighting

I’m getting tired of fighting

What started out as a good day ended pretty horrible. Getting the last few items together for me trip, I ended up severely exhausted. I don’t even know if exhausted is the right word. I had to get something in my daughter’s closet for her and it required me to go to the floor. I really knew this was bad because I was so tired, I just didn’t realize how bad. I couldn’t get up. I didn’t even have the…

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Not fatigued, yet, but I have physical therapy so give it time. The weather is so wacky and I think that’s why. One day it’s cold, rainy 65 degrees and I’m wearing a sweatshirt. The next day it’s 75 and humid and I’m in shorts. My hair is frizzy again in the middle of October. Amazingly I haven’t had migraines. An absolute blessing. I haven’t had one in at least a month (knock on wood). I’d think with these wacky…

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Season change and MS symptoms

Season change and MS symptoms

Does the change of seasons affect your MS symptoms? I know that the actual seasons affect symptoms like the heat of summer or the cold of winter but I mean the transition between the seasons. I’ve had a tough time with my walking lately and with fatigue. My physical therapist says season change. I found this article online Usually I feel effects of season changes maybe from winter to spring. It’s unusual for me to feel this way from…

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Ocrevus infusion side effect gone better than past medicines I took

Ocrevus infusion side effect gone better than past medicines I took

Good morning. I’m happy to report I am finally feeling better. I actually started feeling a little better on Saturday. I went swimming and was able to still get around my condo without having that bone feeling fatigue. So it took about 6 days for me to start feeling better. By Sunday I was good. It was a tough week but I don’t have to worry about the infusion again until March. I can handle that. I remember when I…

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Post Ocrevus infusion-still kicking my butt

Post Ocrevus infusion-still kicking my butt

Fatigue!!!! That’s the only word I could use. I’ve been exhausted but it’s been in my muscles too. It’s been hard just getting around my condo because of the muscle fatigue. I almost went into my scooter last night. Every step is difficult to take not only in my legs but in my arms holding me up with the walker. I don’t remember feeling this way last time but last time they messed up and split my dose. This was…

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Yesterday was a good day

Yesterday was a good day

It’s important to talk about the good days when you have MS as it is the bad days. It started out in my pool. I swam my 25 laps. I’m happy to say that I’ve been back to swimming my 25 laps for about 2 weeks now. Took a long time for my body to bounce back from the set back I had in July with cellulitis but it finally did. Also I’ve been drinking water during my swimming and…

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A quiet Saturday

A quiet Saturday

It’s just me today. Well me Zoey and Marshmallow. The elevator in my building won’t be fixed until sometime next week so I’m a little stuck. I can’t put my scooter together or take it apart by myself. Kind of leaves me with no options for getting downstairs or back upstairs while I’m alone. You know what, I really don’t mind. I’m exhausted. I think I’ve been exhausted for the past two months. I have no complaints being home by…

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Back home

Back home

I realized something being away, my home is definitely the easiest place for me. I love my sisters house it is absolutely beautiful. It’s very easy for me to get around on the first floor. However, there is no bathroom with a shower. They made a shower outside which is really cool but it’s a little more difficult for me to get to. It’s difficult for me to navigate her outside property. The outside property is so amazing but getting…

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Achy while swimming continued

Achy while swimming continued

Continuing on with my original post I wrote the other day I had one comment from another person with MS. She explained that any time she over exerted herself she had flulike symptoms as well. Thank you Priscilla for your comment. She even said if she continued overexert herself she can actually come down with the flu. I asked her what drug she was on for MS, if any, and she was taking Rituxan. I am currently on Ocrevus…

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Flu-like symptoms while I’m swimming

Flu-like symptoms while I’m swimming

Wouldn’t be me if I didn’t have strange things occurring. I googled this and it is actually not uncommon but most people have it after they exercise, not during. I’ve been having it as I swim. This is part of the reason I’m barely making 20 laps when I was doing 25 before. I would say it starts as I am going into lap 11 or 12. I start to feel achy. I feel like when I was taking Betaseron…

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