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Tag: ms fatigue

Is one of the medicines working?

Is one of the medicines working?

Yesterday I wanted to write a post about which medicines are working. I woke up yesterday feeling great, great as far as a good MS day. I worked out Saturday, Sunday and Monday having no pain in my arm or shoulder.  What was more amazing was my stamina. I was able to get through each workout. Even though I napped all three days, I’ve been napping most afternoons when I haven’t worked out Anyway. What I noticed is my legs…

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Beachbody on demand, workout with MS

Beachbody on demand, workout with MS

Go Me!!! I haven’t worked out on my own since sometime in June thanks to my shoulder tendonitis. Against my will, every time I tried to do something I felt it in my shoulder and I knew if I continued, the pain would be back until I ended up needing another cortisone shot. A shot I’m only allowed to receive once every 3 months. It killed me to stop. I worked out 6 days a week for years. I had…

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My MS fitness trainer

My MS fitness trainer

I have this wonderful woman that comes to my home every week to work me out. She is an MS fitness trainer. She doesn’t have me doing weights or cardio, she has me working with kickballs and rings and my own body weight to work and move muscles that are weak and damaged. Muscle movements I would never go near because they are hard. Lots of core work. My very first attack back in 1998 left my left leg with…

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Yup, another day in my life…

Yup, another day in my life…

I don’t like to complain in my blog. Ok, sometimes I do. I live with a chronic illness of multiple sclerosis everyday, eventually you break and post your disgust. I’d like to say that I don’t do it often. That being said, I have to complain this morning over just some stupid stuff that is really all resolved now. It would have been my blog post yesterday but I had that migraine and I just couldn’t focus to write. It…

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Ocrevus infusion aftermath conclusion

Ocrevus infusion aftermath conclusion

Yesterday was a rough day. I was very uncomfortable and tired. It happens but the good news is I knew WHY it was happening. I slept a lot yesterday. I took a 2 hour nap on the couch with my fur babies on either side. Even with the nap I still went into bed at 9:30pm. I feel less fatigued today, I don’t feel that weight in my bones but my skin is still sensitive. I HATE steroids. This was…

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Ocrevus infusion aftermath

Ocrevus infusion aftermath

I had to be honest and let others know in case it happens to you, I haven’t been feeling great since my Ocrevus infusion on Wednesday. I expected the day of the infusion to feel lethargic and tired because of the Benadryl coming through the IV, but I am still feeling that way. It is Friday morning and anyone with MS will understand me when I say my bones feel so heavy. My skin is super sensitive which is definitely…

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Life with MS and living alone, I’m a fall risk

Life with MS and living alone, I’m a fall risk

OK, maybe this is a little too premature. I mean this is only day two of being home without my daughter. I had to run the first errand today that normally she would run for me.  Needed money at the bank. To take my walker out to go to the ATM that’s just way too many steps. So I wrote a check out to myself and cashed it at the drive-thru teller window, it worked. I have to be smart…

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Things that go bump in the night, or the concrete.

Things that go bump in the night, or the concrete.

I got back from my sisters at close to 8pm last night. Whenever I go away and the trip ends, the highlight to coming home is seeing my dogs. No big shocking news there,especially if you follow my blog. I stepped out of my car and looked up at my window to wave hello to my marshmallow howling in the window. I do this every time I come home since his face started looking out for me. Well, unfortunately, last…

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MS Fatigue…still the worst symptom

MS Fatigue…still the worst symptom

It's better now or I wouldn't be able to write this blog post. I'm a happy passenger in the car, going to visit my sister for the weekend. My day started at around 6 when I woke up but laid in my bed meditating. I like doing that on my coach better but why waste the time laying there in my bed. I purposely showered and did my hair yesterday so I wasn't rushed this morning. It never fails a…

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What’s going on in a day in the life with multiple sclerosis

What’s going on in a day in the life with multiple sclerosis

My Ocrevus infusion is going to be on Monday August 14 now. Not the worst thing. My infusion for Rituxan was scheduled originally for July 17th so the change to the new drug set us back roughly a month. My neurologist told me that even though Rituxan is given on a six month schedule, the drug could last up to 9 months effectively. I feel fine and now I only have 5 days to receive an infusion so I am…

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