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Tag: ms fatigue

Why continue to exercise with multiple sclerosis

Why continue to exercise with multiple sclerosis

“Exercise is essential not just for overall well-being, but also to help manage symptoms of multiple sclerosis (MS). In fact, exercise might even slow progression of the disease, according to a 2012 review published in Therapeutic Advances in Neurological Disorders.” This was according to everyday health. The National Multiple Sclerosis Society says basically the same thing and adds, “An exercise program needs to fit the capabilities and limitations of the individual. It may need to be adjusted as changes occur in…

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Today was a very disheartening MS day

Today was a very disheartening MS day

This one is not for my family. This is a bad one, so I give you the advance warning.  Everyone’s been telling me I’m doing too much.I am a little stubborn about slowing down. I  been having a lot of trouble at physical therapy lately. I had been fatiguing not just a little but severely and I don’t know why. It’s the same routine I had been doing since November. Luckily, I had my daughter around when I got home to…

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Bears hibernate in the winter, MS patients hibernate in the summer

Bears hibernate in the winter, MS patients hibernate in the summer

Got a wake up call the other day. We went from a comfortable 60° in New York up to  82° overnight.  Silly me, didn’t think anything of it and opened all the windows.  I have roughly 7 windows in my apartment that I opened, well I should say my daughter before she left.  Normally there’s a nice cross breeze in my apartment, but that takes wind. I live upstairs, heat rises, no wind, so no cross breeze and by 2:00 it…

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Me and multiple sclerosis continued

Me and multiple sclerosis continued

I’m sitting here with six exercises left of my P90X routine. Fuming actually that I haven’t been able to continue to finish the last six exercises.  This is certainly a first!!!!! I really just want to say go to hell MS.  This is such a sucky disease of times. It’s not bad enough that it takes a lot to muster the energy to exercise for any given person but an MS person its more of a push. I’m sitting here…

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Counting spoons

Counting spoons

I’ve been up since 4am, listening to old episodes of Cheers, while I laid in bed praying I’d fall back asleep. Even Zoey and Marshy were snoring away, but not me, I just laid there, hour after hour. I finally gave up at around 7:30 and made coffee. I start each day with a certain amount of steam in me that fizzles as the day goes on. How much steam I start with can vary everyday. I read on a…

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My multiple sclerosis affects everyone

My multiple sclerosis affects everyone

I’ve written blogs about this in the past, my daughter at 17 takes on the bulk of the responsibility. It’s not something a 17-year-old signs up for, and she’s been doing it for years.  My mother takes on the brunt of the emotional side of my multiple sclerosis. Another topic of my blogs that you could find throughout. My step dad takes on the emotional backlash of what my mom takes on, breaking his heart. Plus he’s the one taking me to…

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This is secondary progressive MS

This is secondary progressive MS

I said in previous posts something was brewing with my MS lately, and unfortunately it still is. A quick note to my mom, if your about to read this, while in your hut, on a beautiful beach,on your vacation, I’m fine. I’m doing what I always do, accept, adjust, adapt. Well things aren’t so great MS wise, I wish I can say they were. Sometimes I wonder, did things get worse because I stopped working? Was that constant push on…

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Multiple sclerosis travel challenges, even if it’s close travels

Multiple sclerosis travel challenges, even if it’s close travels

Before I even start today’s blog, I need to give hug of condolences to my little sister, who put her dog Blueberry down yesterday. Blueberry now joins my Boomer over the rainbow bridge to wait for us with a few other past dogs she had. Lets once again discuss life with multiple sclerosis and its challenges. My daughter had to be in the city today to take a math placement exam for John Jay College. Since we had to be…

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High dose biotin going on 5 months patient thoughts

High dose biotin going on 5 months patient thoughts I submitted a link to the biotin research/clinical study that showed that it may be helpful in people with progressive forms of multiple sclerosis. I am writing from my own perspective from taking the medicine. this excerpt is from a past blog post of mind explaining what my doctor has noticed  I get a 100mg pill I take 3 times a day from Ace pharmacy . I just completed my 4th month somewhere in the middle of my…

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Multiple sclerosis symptoms on vacation

Multiple sclerosis symptoms on vacation

I’ve figured out the key to my feeling good everyday, or I should say as good as possible, DO NOTHING. Let everyone do everything for you so you are very rarely getting up and you could have really good days everyday. I would need to hire myself a full time assistant to do everything for me their duties would include working out every morning but transferring the benefit to me making and bringing me my cup coffee making and bringing…

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