Week in review
I got my Apple Watch yesterday…isn’t it pretty?
I have a session with Apple on Tuesday morning to learn how to use it optimally. I’ve been a Fitbit user for 10 years so I need a little help learning how to use this activity app correctly. I set up the SOS Apple Watch here I come for a fall as well as wheelchair mode so it doesn’t count steps just movements. That in itself is so much better than the Fitbit app because you could shake your hand and get awarded steps walked, not a very accurate system. Hey Fitbit was just purchased by google so you never know where they will be in the next few years. My Apple Watch was an early birthday present to me. Twenty more days until I’m 48. Happy birthday to me.
I had my yearly mammography yesterday. Oh it’s a fun experience, flopping my extremely heavy weighted breasts onto a pad to get flattened and pictured. We were able to do it from my chair though which made it pretty easy. I got the sonogram too because my breast have a lot of fatty tissue in them. I have to say I was able to get right onto their table because it went really low. It went lower than most of my doctors offices that I go to. That includes my neurologist, hello?!! Somethings wrong there when an MS patient can’t get on my neurologist table but I can get on my breast sonogram’s table. I didn’t get any news on results and I won’t know until sometime next week so I’m just trying to put it out of my mind because that’s the last thing I want to think about. 
I’m glad this week is over. I had a lot of doctors appointments Blisters and Rituxan and running around that just tires me out. This upcoming week should be much easier for me. I’m now going to sit back and enjoy my beautiful view with my puppies. Have a wonderful weekend.