Dr. Pimple Popper
Everyone has been talking about Dr. Pimple Popper so I finally tried it out. Everything everyone said was right, it is so gross but you can’t look away. I watch and my stomach is quesy yet I put on another episode. Makes me not so worried about my fungus that doesn’t hurt and keeps well hidden by socks. Some of the things people live with is unbelievable. I almost appreciate having multiple sclerosis which has worldwide recognition for research and donations. The size of these lymphomas that people have on their bodies for years and years is crazy. How do you not go to the doctor? I have the start of a lymphoma on my side. The second I saw it I was freaking out. I immediately asked my doctor. Granted it was during the time I was getting those blisters and abscesses all over my body but still. I check that spot all the time for any changes. If something started becoming the size of a grape from a pea I’d be at the doctor. How do they wait until it is the size of a grapefruit or a melon? By the way seeing how she removes a lymphoma. I am certainly praying I never need surgery to get it out because EWWWWWWWWW. I’m just ill watching how they are removed. I heard that the show My Feet are Killing Me is pretty horrific too. Meanwhile I’m telling you how this show is gross but guess what I’m watching? Yup you guessed it, another episode. I do like the stories and the before and after shots. I give this doctor, Dr. Sandra Lee, who does this show major props. She does all these removals and treatment on all different skin conditions. I’m squeamish just watching hence the reason I never became a doctor.