Game Day and Mahjong

Game Day and Mahjong

This week went fast. I don’t say that often since my weeks blend together. I am happily writing this with the sun shining windows open. It is beautifully cool. Looking forward to the fall weather. I’m actually looking forward to my oversized sweatshirts. I am excited to put on those comfy oversized shirts and be bundled up with my puppies. Fall is my favorite time of the year. Although I missed winter this year being in and out of the hospital. I do love looking outside after a snowfall. The white blanket that coats the ground before any cars drive on the road. I also love a snow storm when the world is quiet before anyone is outside shoveling. I missed all of that this year. I am such a fan of the snow especially when I am inside. My wheelchair doesn’t navigate snow very well. Actually it was after a snow storm I learned that my car’s ramp can’t be laid over a snow mound. When the ramp pulled back in, some snow and ice came in as well. I shorted out the ramp within the first month I owned my handicap van. Lesson learned real fast.

Okay enough of a weather review. I am going to mahjong today. I did really well last week. I played for 1 1/2 hours. I was exhausted when I got upstairs but it was so fun to play. I even lasted at game day this week for 2 1/2 hours. I am just happy that I am finally able to be social again. I have a good time with my friends in my building. I may be the youngest in the group yet the one that makes me laugh the most is the oldest. I find that this group of women are so different but we all compliment each other really well. We also are there for each other. Since all 6 of us can have health issues at anytime, we have like a chain of information that word is quickly spread. It is a lovely group of people I stumbled upon unexpectedly.

I came down for a senior afternoon game day. I wasn’t a senior but my mom convinced me to check it out. I remember sitting there the first day thinking I am too young for this group of people. There was a lot more of us in the beginning. People passed away or moved. I felt awkward that first day. Somehow I felt obligated to go again the following week. I am not sure why. One week became two, two became a month and the rest is history. Now it is the six of us. Five of which play mahjong on Fridays. We keep saying we are going to put signs up inviting people to game day and mahjong but we still haven’t. I think partly because we’ve become a little clan. All six of us have been there from day one. However, we always tell people about game day we certainly aren’t declining members. We just need a sign up in the building. I think I need to do it because it is probably easiest for me. I am the most tech savvy, which isn’t saying much. I think I’m going to do that this weekend. That’s sounds like a smart idea.

Now that I settled that, I guess that is it for me. I hope everyone has a lovely weekend. Maybe you’ll need a jacket. Wouldn’t that be nice.

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