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Tag: Covid vaccination

My daughter is positive for Covid

My daughter is positive for Covid

My daughter came home late Sunday night. She was going to stay home for a few days because she had a small break from work. Her classes for the beginning of the week are online. She hasn’t been home since the middle of January and we missed her. I’ve been vaccinated and I gave her kisses and hugs. In all honesty, I hugged and kissed her before I was vaccinated too. A year is a longtime to not hug and…

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The day after the worst of the Covid vaccination

The day after the worst of the Covid vaccination

I’m doing better today. I slept all day yesterday. I even ordered a pizza because I was too sick to microwave or mix up one of my salads. I was so sick that when I was getting a slice one fell on the floor and I couldn’t even bend to pick it up. I let my dogs eat the pizza. I thought Zoey ate it mostly, however this morning Minx has been sick since he woke up. My poor little…

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Covid vaccination reaction

Covid vaccination reaction

All I can tell you is that sucked. I had a rough night. My whole body ached. I couldn’t even sleep through it. I found that ibuprofen did not help and when I finally took Tylenol that took the aches away. I was able to finally get a little sleep between the hours of seven and 10. However I was up again at 11 because it was time for aspirin and my body knew it. Now I’m just waiting for…

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Covid vaccination dose 2

Covid vaccination dose 2

Here I am in the back of my own van. My stepdad and mom are in the front seat. We are on the way to the Bronx for my 2nd Covid vaccination. My appointment was supposed to be on Thursday but snow is expected for that day. So we are on our way. This time I locked the wheelchair down and put on my wheelchair seatbelt. The backseat of my van is not the easiest place to sit. Between the…

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Getting my 1st Covid vaccine dose

Getting my 1st Covid vaccine dose

If you would believe I’m strapped in to the back seat of my van on my way to get a Covid vaccination. My stepdad is driving, mom in the front and I’m bouncing around in the back. My van doesn’t have the greatest suspension so it isn’t the smoothest ride inb I can’t tell you how I got this appointment. My mom has been crazy ever since the vaccines became available. She became more so when she became eligible to…

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Covid vaccination

Covid vaccination

First UK varied strain of Covid was detected in New York yesterday. They say this strain is more contagious than the original Covid that is still spreading everywhere. Thankfully this new strain doesn’t seem to make the conditions of the virus any worse than it already is. And happy new year to you too….. NY has a website to see if your eligible to get the vaccine. When you go on they ask for your name, address, telephone, email and…

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