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Tag: Facebook

Why I Chose Bionic Gym

Why I Chose Bionic Gym

I wanted to share the link to my Facebook event for Bionic Gym. I just love Bionic Gym. I’ve been talking about it since day one of using the gym. I was planning on showing you my Apple Watch stats for two of my workouts days I talk about in the Facebook video. First the workout where I just let it run until the battery dies. This is the one I do nothing to increase my heart rate. The…

Read More Read More Latest on MS Clinical Trial Latest on MS Clinical Trial

This article was from I haven’t posted much on research lately. Probably because I am at a point where most drugs in the horizon won’t help. However, today Facebook has been showing ads for multiple sclerosis drugs that ARE NOT drugs approved for MS or covered by insurance. They are just ads from companies trying to target a market for the chronic disease. I don’t mind the ads when it’s nail gels or low carb keto snacks. By all…

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Week ahead

Week ahead

My new puppy, Minx, will not be here now until Wednesday. Only a day later,not a big deal, but we are excited. I did get new videos. He’s getting big… Zoey normally has the best reaction. She tilts her head while looking at me. Every time I try to video her reaction she doesn’t do it, but this was cute. I’m still doing my fundraiser on Facebook, I’m close to my goal. I can’t begin to thank all the…

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Overwhelmed with gratitude

Overwhelmed with gratitude

I’ve shared numerous times how I started a Go Fund Me for help getting a handicap van. I had some donations but it wasn’t moving most days. Since my birthday is coming up tomorrow I got something from Facebook about starting a fundraiser, so I did. I am so overwhelmed by the people that have donated to my fund. People I went to high school with, college, my family, my sorority sisters, my work friends over the years and friends…

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The other side of the street

The other side of the street

It’s not always greener. It just may just appear that way. I was reading another person’s blog yesterday about a picture he took. He looks happy and was all smiles but the amount of energy and pain it took to get him to that place was a whole other story. See his post here I have a friend who says the same thing. He got doesn’t go on Facebook or on social media because he’s tired of seeing everybody…

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Vegan no bake carrot cake energy bites from Woman’s Day

Vegan no bake carrot cake energy bites from Woman’s Day

Forgive me today because I am extremely tired. My flight from Florida yesterday was supposed to get me into New York at 10 PM got me into New York at 12 AM  due to thunderstorms. I ended up coming home at 1 AM. By the time I settle myself down it was after 2 AM and I was up again by seven. Today I’m not going to write a long blog, just going to give another vegan recipe. **I have…

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Increasing blog exposure and gaining a following

Increasing blog exposure and gaining a following

Sitting in the backyard yesterday, I decided to do some work. I finally made a page for my blog on Facebook I was very proud figuring it out by myself. I need to separate church from state or rather blog from person. Not that I honestly would care, since I post very little on Facebook but I was advised to do so, so I did. Now I need to build up a following. As much as I love blogging it…

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The Internet is written in ink

The Internet is written in ink

I received a message on my Facebook from a guy saying how he reads my blog everyday, even though I completely trashed him. He said how he thinks I’m brave and strong fighting my multiple sclerosis, but of course that isn’t what stuck in my mind at all.  I couldn’t imagine who I was ever “trashed” to in my blog. I never use names although most of the time the person I am writing about knows it. Then it dawned…

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