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Tag: ms fatigue

One day at a time

One day at a time

Still unfortunately feeling shitty. Once again canceling activities. The good news is I’m sleeping better, that really helps. Of course I’m a few weeks away from my infusion of Rituxan which had issues last time.Whether the issues were actually caused by the infusion or not, we still don’t know, but my concern is there to say the least. Not to mention you always feel somewhat fatigued after you do the infusion so the whole thing has bad timing. I…

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My Medicine Cabinet of Old Pills

My Medicine Cabinet of Old Pills

This is week two that I am am starting cancel my activities. The extreme fatigue has not left nor given relief. My prescription has been changed from Adderall to Provigil but the pharmacy had to order the drug. It should be ready today. I found a bottle of slightly out of date pills in my medicine cabinet so I started taking them as of Saturday. Unfortunately, it hasn’t helped. I’m hoping it is just because they are out of date….

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Smiling through exhaustion

Smiling through exhaustion

Back to feeling rundown again. Spent yesterday morning in bed with a migraine. Migraine is gone but I’m still exhausted. I went into bed before 9pm yesterday and slept straight through until 4:30am. That is a record. I went back to sleep and woke up at 8:44. I had to take my car in first thing this morning otherwise I might have spent another morning in bed. This is a rough feeling as anyone with multiple sclerosis can tell you….

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I am a Multiple Sclerosis Warrior

I am a Multiple Sclerosis Warrior

I have to say things in my family have been sad. Bad news received about a loved ones health has hit everyone hard. It puts having multiple sclerosis in its respected place. A place that has always helped me deal with my disease on a more positive level. I’m here!!! I didn’t receive a death sentence when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. My disease could be difficult but I could still live a very rewarding life. I’m coming up…

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Physical therapy, physically exhausting

Physical therapy, physically exhausting

I had my first physical therapy appointment of the year yesterday after my occupational therapy. I knew I’d be exhausted after but I completely underestimated how exhausted I’d actually be. It took me hours to be able to move out of my chair when I got home. Hours!!!! I’m working with a new therapist. She is very nice but she is going to be tough. No different then the other girls I’ve worked with but the difference is she is…

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When MS forces you to take a break

When MS forces you to take a break

I ended up giving myself an easier week. I needed that. I was too run down trying to do everything. I think I’m feeling somewhat more together again. I love being part of all my activities but in truth they can also take a toll on me. This week I had to pay closer attention and not participate in everything to the fullest. Guess what, my friends are still my friends. No one was offended I cut out early and…

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Pajama Day for me

Pajama Day for me

It is a gray day here. Windy and rainy. I am in my pajamas and planning on staying this way for the remainder of the day. It has been a rough week for me. I ran myself over with my wheelchair No joke, I’ve fallen again Besides my falls, I have literally scratched up every single wall in my house. I guess in my exhaustion, keeping the wheelchair straight also wasn’t one of my strongest abilities. I am physically spent….

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No joke, I’ve fallen again

No joke, I’ve fallen again

Omg it happened again yesterday where I fell to the floor but this time it wasn’t so comical. I was beyond exhausted coming home from mahjong. It even took me a couple of minutes to get from my wheelchair to the drivers seat. Driving isn’t an issue for me because the muscles required for that weren’t the muscles that were the cause of exhaustion. I know my dad is reading this and he neither understands that or feels comfortable with…

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I ran myself over with my wheelchair

I ran myself over with my wheelchair

It happened again, I ended up on the floor and couldn’t get up. However how it happened was slightly comical. I ran myself over with the wheelchair. My sweatshirt got caught on the control as I was making my transfer to my chair. I got knocked over with my arm still attached to the chair. If it was on video, trust me we’d all have a laugh. This is why they always tell you to shut off the wheelchair when…

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Annoying MS symptoms strike again

Annoying MS symptoms strike again

Ugh my toe hurts. That strange MS symptom that comes once in a while for no reason. It just started hurting in the middle of the night. Same thing always right foot, big toe. Didn’t hurt when I put a shoe on but it is now a dull throbbing with my shoe off and feet elevated, just like when I’m in bed. It actually feels better when I bend it. So annoying. Such a strange symptom too. Just nerves misfiring…

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