Physical therapy, physically exhausting

Physical therapy, physically exhausting

I had my first physical therapy appointment of the year yesterday after my occupational therapy. I knew I’d be exhausted after but I completely underestimated how exhausted I’d actually be. It took me hours to be able to move out of my chair when I got home. Hours!!!!

I’m working with a new therapist. She is very nice but she is going to be tough. No different then the other girls I’ve worked with but the difference is she is my main therapist making my routine. In the past I worked with girls who pushed me but the routine another therapist made.

We didn’t do anything crazy but every exercise was my legs and core. Things I don’t use often. She also makes me walk with a walker. One of those silver ones that make me feel old.

This is all good I just hate how these walkers move. She has me working on things like thigh, hip and glute muscles. She knows exactly where I am weak and where I need to focus. She even gave me homework. HOMEWORK!!!! Ok I workout five days a week which will always take precedence over exercise that is hard for me. I can’t lie but I did promise to try.

I have four exercises: bridges with a band around my knees, modified sit-ups, kneels to full upright lift and side to side with my knees no hands. I took pictures of the printout for anyone interested. The hardest one is the kneeling one to upright squeezing the middle section. It is a lot harder than it sounds especially when you are weak.

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