My week and college bound daughter
This will be a crazy week. My daughter just came home yesterday. She went up to my sister for a long weekend with her boyfriend that went really well. All I know is it’s 9:00am and she’s already out of the house to hang with him before driving him to work. She moves into her NYC dorm this week and by dorm, I mean the New Yorker Hotel. This “dorm” comes complete with tv, refrigerator, fitness room, 24 hour doorman security, her own bathroom in her double deluxe room, and full kitchen on her floor. That’s exactly how my “dorm” was when I went to college, NOT!!! That’s NYC for you. That’s how her school contracts for dorming. However to make it clear this school has over 13,000 students and only 180 beds in the dormitory. It is not known for dorm life.
At this time next week, my daughter will be finishing up her first college class. College actually starts this Friday but she has no classes. We decided to move her in that day. It will be such an exciting time for her, that I’m excited. Does that make sense? Moving her isn’t the only thing this week for me. My big thing is my routine physical where my doctor fills out the form to submit for more nursing hours. That will be my big to do thing over the next two weeks. When all the dust settles, hopefully my daughter is loving life in NYC and I have an aide with me full time from 9-5 Monday-Friday.
Ok maybe I’m nervous too. Nervous for my daughter, nervous for me, nervous having a full time aide. A lot of changes happening that requires adapting. Seems I’m always adapting. I know I need help more than 4 hours every other day. I hate that I need help more than 4 hours every other day. I am also so grateful. So happy my daughter got into this dorm and so happy I have the help to keep me safe and independent. As always I try to keep smiling.
2 thoughts on “My week and college bound daughter”
It’s a good sharing of your daily battle with MS. My father had MS, and this was over 40 years ago. I agree we need to stay positive and to adapt to life’s changes, including children moving off to college. My father found comfort in his faith. This earthly life is short, but our eternal life is forever. Stay the course!
Thank you. My faith is spiritual but the undertones are very similar.