Unconditional love of my daily pet therapy
I don’t understand how people don’t want the unconditional love of a pet. I think everybody should be pet people either dog or cat. I’ve had them both. Some of my cats were prissy, but most were very affectionate. Although my cat’s affection was nothing like my dogs. When I had by cats, and I had six at one point, my dad always said you’re a dog person. He was right. Not to mention that I’m actually allergic to cats and I lived on nose spray. That’s a whole other story.
My ex-husband wanted a pug. His friend, at the time, had a pug he just fell in love with. It was either that or the English bulldog. In my eyes they were both ugly and they were not what I wanted. I grew up with golden retrievers and German Shepherds. I really wanted the German Shepherd. I remember we were in Delaware, I don’t remember for what, and they had a street fair. At the street fair they had a booth kiss the Bulldog for five dollars. I had a kiss to Bulldog. This Bulldog was so cute. When I came home I started doing research and found out that the Bulldog was a big couch potato. I had MS, this couch potato might be more my style than the German Shepherd. When we went to the pet store we brought in a German Shepherd first with my daughter, who is then six years old ,and the German Shepherd puppy scared the daylights out of her. The English bulldog just slumped around. It was that moment I knew we were getting an English bulldog. We ended up getting Boomer from a breeder in Pennsylvania.
Boomer was the perfect dog. When he was three years old and now I was divorced. I was going to adopt a French bulldog from the English bulldog rescue group. I was all set to take the second dog and I we were so excited and the family decided to keep it. It was too late, my head was on the second dog and we decided to get a French bulldog. I did no backgrounds on this type of dog. I just assumed it was gonna be a smaller version of my Boomer. I was so wrong. The only part I was right about is that he was smaller. We ended up getting Marshmellow and spelling his name with the E because we really thought he was going to be mellow.
Well he’s not mellow but he is the most loyal, loving and sweet dog. When it came time to the third dog we again stayed with the French Bulldog. For me they are easier, they could be house trained and they’re just smaller. I will always miss the English Bulldog. I’m just at a stage of my disease that I have no real ability to walk them three times a day.
The love I get from my dogs I couldn’t even find the right words to explain. I’m mommy to them. When my daughter is chasing Zoey around the house, Zoey always runs into my arms. My Marshmellow, he doesn’t leave my side. Every morning I wake up and the first thing we do this puppy love. It’s my way of telling them how grateful I am that they’re here.
My dogs are my daily therapy and I could ask for no other therapy that works as well. Their unconditional love has no boundaries and my love for them is the same.
2 thoughts on “Unconditional love of my daily pet therapy”
I agree with you. Loving an animal is one of the most wonderful joys in life. To me the only way to describe loving an animal is the it just fills me up. I am a great animal lover.