The hard day is done
I made it through the day yesterday but barely. I was absolutely shot by the time I got home. I got everything I wanted accomplished. I officially have handicap plates on my van. They almost didn’t let me get them. I had a copy of the original DMV doctor form. I didn’t think and grabbed the copy. According to the rules they don’t accept copies. The supervisor finally came over and did a visual confirmation and accepted the form. I guess they looked at me in my wheelchair and believed my form. I was thankful to get that done. I even like the way it looks. I got the new New York license plates and the handicap has a little wheelchair off to the side. It’s so new I couldn’t find an example online.
My car inspection went well. I didn’t expect it to not go well considering in two years I’ve only put on a little over 3000 miles. I was just happy to get that over with today. I did realize after the fact that I really needed a oil change. That wasn’t the most pressing issue and I can do it at another time. At least that won’t cause me to get a ticket even when parked.
By the time I got to my hair I was running on fumes. I was actually overheated because the day was warm. I was crippled from sitting in my wheelchair all day. I transferred in and out of my chair so many times during the day my body was beyond fatigued. I was dreading how long the appointment was going to take. It unfortunately was exactly that, a very long appointment. Color, cut and blow dry I got there at 3 and didn’t leave until after 5. If the final outcome wasn’t so great I wouldn’t be a happy camper. However, it really does look great.
I finally got home and was greeted by my puppies with so much love. I took the last bit of my energy to change into pjs, feed fur babies and take out my dinner. Even holding my fork to eat was tough. Other than one trip to the ladies room, I’ve been on my comfy chair all night. I knew this day was going to be difficult but I am happy to say I made it through. I am now clear of worries and free until my infusion. That is still on track for Wednesday. My supplies and medicine are coming tomorrow I am praying it is all correct. I’ve been 20 phone calls verifying this stuff so all I can do is pray at this point Have a wonderful weekend to all.