Happy Anniversary Multiple Sclerosis

Happy Anniversary Multiple Sclerosis

Yes, I’m still in the hospital with a pneumonia. Today marks day 12. I can definitely have another blog about what is happening especially since being immune suppressed isn’t helping the situation. Most people look at February 14 as the day of love but it will never be that for me. No, for me it will always be the weekend back in 1998 when I was moving into my new house. Valentine’s weekend and my left foot started to go numb. It moved up the entire left side of my body within days. I logically assumed I did something unpacking. I even thought it could be in my head like my optic neuritis episode 6 months prior that the doctor so professionally said to me when it disappeared. I also realized it was 1998 and that makes it 24 years ago, not 23 years as I thought. I’ve been using off a year for a really long time.

On with the story, the short version no less. I ended up at my stepdad’s back doctor by the end of the week. He took one look at me and got me into a neurologist. My neurologist who is still with me to this day. I was having an MRI and my first, of what would be many steroids treatments. It all happened so fast. I had a MRI done with the optic neuritis experience which was compared immediately with the current one I was having. I had one lesion with optic neuritis and now I had multiple. I was diagnosed and being treated within 7 days of that first feeling on Valentine’s Day. I therefore never look at February 14 as the day of lovers. I will always see it as my Multiple Sclerosis Anniversary.

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