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Tag: Gabby Bernstein

Rituxan Infusion in the Books

Rituxan Infusion in the Books

I am half way through my Rituxan infusion. Chilling out watching Ink Master. I was smart this morning. I kept my arms covered despite being slightly warm. I know, all too well, that my cold arms do not help when trying to start an IV. I overheat so easily so there is usually a fan blowing right next to me. I might not feel cold but my arms and hands are always cold to touch. I kept a sweatshirt on…

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My New Year strength list

My New Year strength list

It is Rosh Hashanah today, the Jewish New Year. I am actually participating with my family and going to my brother in-laws family. I have to admit, I haven’t been doing the big Jewish family dinners lately. My brother in-law’s family have been opening their home to us for the past 15 years. They are wonderful people. I think, for me, part of what makes it slightly difficult is one of his cousins has multiple sclerosis as well. She is…

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My beautiful spiritual sister

My beautiful spiritual sister

I have a few things going on in my thoughts this morning making my heart feel heavy. The thoughts are revolving around a few people in my life that I care deeply about. Unfortunately I can’t do much to help physically, only mentally and spiritually. This brings me back to my sister. My beautiful sister. Years ago I wrote a blog about her right before we attended Spirit Junkie Masterclass 1 together. In the post I talked about how I…

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My manifestation challenge

My manifestation challenge

My manifestation challenge is one week complete. I’ve done every exercise each day aligning myself with the universe. Yesterday was about asking for a sign that you are on the right track. My sign is always my 22 in strange places, meaning I can’t be looking at some clock in my house waiting for the time to reach 22 minutes passed the hour. Too easy. It has to be something random. My sign can also be my 1122. If I’m…

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My daughter’s spiritual journey

My daughter’s spiritual journey

My daughter is starting on her own spiritual journey. It is amazing to watch. Months ago she started talking to my life coach and things have started to click for her recently. This last semester was a semester of growth. She had many obstacles she needed to deal with on a personal level and she came out of each incident stronger. The most amazing thing was she broke up with her high school boyfriend. A boy she was with for…

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Happy New Year to Everyone

Happy New Year to Everyone

So did you make your New Year’s Resolutions? I don’t make resolutions based on a day in the year but I do have things I’m focusing on in 2020. I’m excited for those tell you about those things. I’m doing Gabby Bernstein’s 21 day manifesting challenge I’ve never done anything like this and Gabby has never offered anything like this. It starts January 1st so it is like a New Years resolution but I have the ability to access…

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Changing your life starts with you, a spiritual journey

Changing your life starts with you, a spiritual journey

I have spent a few years now learning to look inward for my own happiness and my own mistakes. It has taken me time and tears to learn and forgive others, whom I falsely blamed, until I learned to accept and forgive myself. My spiritual journey wasn’t an easy journey but it was the most worthwhile journey I ever took. That quote up there I believe with all my heart. I don’t hesitate or doubt. I know that it isn’t…

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A different kind of spiritual experience

A different kind of spiritual experience

I’m staring off at the water watching the sun glint and sparkle. There is one boat making tiny ripples. It seems warm today a very light breeze and I happily opened my windows again. This is just my favorite time of day, especially a weekend day. No one is around it’s just me and the dogs. My home is quiet and it is balance by the quiet outside except for the occasional car. It is just so peaceful. I’ve taken…

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Sign up to get Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital with Gabby Bernstein

Sign up to get Spirit Junkie Masterclass Digital with Gabby Bernstein

I’m so excited to hear how many of you loved my girl Gabby Bernstein’s free video training series! Now it’s time for the big reveal… In this final video, Gabby shares a BIG invitation. Her invite is for people who want to inspire others by doing what inspires them. People who want to gain the confidence to own their purpose and take action on their dreams right now. People who feel called to speak out, be heard and create movements….

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Gabby Bernstein’s last free training video of the series

Gabby Bernstein’s last free training video of the series

The last free training video of the series Right out of college Gabby Bernstein started her own PR business. When she transitioned her career to become a spiritual teacher, her marketing chops really came in handy! She got the attention of magazine editors, TV producers and big-time bloggers. She built an email list and a social media following to create a movement of Spirit Junkies. Gabby shared her story far and wide, manifesting media like Oprah’s SuperSoul Sunday, a front-page…

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