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Tag: ms challenges

Goal accomplished

Goal accomplished

I accomplished the really hard workout that took me down last week. Persistent isn’t always a good thing. Not only did I accomplish it, I doubled up exercises that weren’t squats. I kicked butt. This doesn’t even include the warmup that I forgot to start my Apple Watch. I would have had an additional 15 minutes but my heart rate average would have been lower. Not a bad workout with resistance bands. For my age and disability that is a…

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A bad day can be just that, a day

A bad day can be just that, a day

For the many bad days of multiple sclerosis, there are better ones as well. Yesterday was one of those days. I started off with a workout as usual. My energy level was definitely high and I was able to double up on all the arm exercises. I had one of those workouts where I was sweating and my heart was pumping. I was tired but in a good way when I was finished. The way you should feel after a…

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Sometimes I wish it wasn’t so damn hard

Sometimes I wish it wasn’t so damn hard

Friday was a tough day. I wrote how it started Persistent isn’t always a good thing but it never got better. I was exhausted most of the afternoon. My older sister came for a quick visit with her family but she too was having a tough week. I opened a bottle of wine for her. She poured some for the both of us. One of my favorite wines a JLohr Cabernet Sauvignon, thanks to dinners with my dad, I always…

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Persistent isn’t always a good thing

Persistent isn’t always a good thing

Rough morning and it was completely my fault. I decided to wear jeans today for the first time in 8 months. I figured now that I’m wearing this nightgown to bed, let’s not dress like a slob. I got my pants on with a little effort. I don’t unbutton or unzip my jeans since it is difficult for my hands to latch buttons. My pants fit but they usually come up with slightly less effort. I’m not sure if it…

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Simple things to make life a little easier

Simple things to make life a little easier

First let me say happy Veterans Day. A very grateful thank you for all that have served in our military forces. That is truly a brave and courageous act that should never be unrecognized by any citizen of the United States. I was supposed to have my yearly physical yesterday. It took me two months to get this appointment because of Covid. I was called early in the morning that the doctor had to cancel because she was unwell. I…

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Fighting MS starts in your attitude

Fighting MS starts in your attitude

Yesterday during physical therapy the first thing we did was put me on the floor to get up. I just knew I had the strength to do it at this time and the first time I got myself up fairly quickly. So we did it for a second time. This time was harder, but I still managed to get myself up. My physical therapist said I can give you pointers but nobody knows their body better than you. One thing…

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MS gym program exercise in a chair

MS gym program exercise in a chair

Can someone please explain this weather to me? One day I’m bundled in my sweatshirt putting on the heat. The next day I’m opening windows overheating at night under my blankets. No joke!!! I overheated last night in my bedroom. It made for a very long night. I had a super difficult time getting back into my bed after one of my bathroom trips that I really contemplated sleeping in my chair. I slept with my fan on once again….

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Awake way to early

Awake way to early

It’s 9am and I’ve already showered, worked out for 54 minutes, took care of my dogs and spoke with my mom. I’ve been up since roughly 6 when my right foot started twitching. Even though this video was taken when I was awake and in my chair, it is exactly what happens anytime and anyplace my leg twitches. Now you tell me, could you sleep through that? After the first 5-10 times it actually starts to hurt almost. My foot…

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Physical therapy 1st appointment

Physical therapy 1st appointment

I can’t say enough good things about this guy. He is just a person size package of warmth and healing. It is nice to be the only one the therapist is focused on during an hour session as well. Even though my occupational therapist was from the same company, he was no where near the caliber of my physical therapist. My hour session were never an hour more like 30-40 minutes at best. I wasn’t complaining. He was more like…

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Turning 49 in November

Turning 49 in November

Happy Monday once again. These weeks come so fast. Can’t believe it’s November already. I turned 49 in a couple of weeks. Oh joy. I’m looking at pictures that are flashing on my fire stick and my mother was my age. My daughter, who is now 21, is only four years off from when I got married. Six years off from when I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Seven years off from when I was pregnant with her. If that…

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