MS gym program exercise in a chair

MS gym program exercise in a chair

Can someone please explain this weather to me? One day I’m bundled in my sweatshirt putting on the heat. The next day I’m opening windows overheating at night under my blankets. No joke!!! I overheated last night in my bedroom. It made for a very long night. I had a super difficult time getting back into my bed after one of my bathroom trips that I really contemplated sleeping in my chair. I slept with my fan on once again. My house is showing a temperature of 70 degrees. Outside it says 56. I get the morning sun and it must be damn strong to heat my house like this. 

I started phase 3 of my MS Gym Moving Strong Program today. I do the chair version. If you think you can’t get a good workout in a chair I can tell you that is ? percent NOT true. I actually did phase 2 twice before moving to phase 3. While I was completing phase 2 I was doubling up on the exercises as well. He does each set was done 2 times, I did each set 4 times. I thought I was so ready for phase 3. The main difference in this phase is that there are 3 exercises in the set where phase 2 had only 2.

Since I have physical therapy today, I decided to only go through the sets at the 2 time pace. Well between the heat and lack of sleep and Minx going after the resistance bands on numerous occasions the 45 minute program took me 62 minutes. It also kicked my ass. Omg!!! That was freaking tough. There was only one exercise added geez….Ok granted I did use my new heavier band colors but still. I’m still catching my breath. Thankfully I have until 1 to recover for physical therapy.

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. I’m sure this week will be a roller coaster of news in the US political arena. I once again hope we can all unite again and find peace whichever way the chips fall.

One thought on “MS gym program exercise in a chair

  1. Good morning and congratulations on your progress in the “seated self-controlled” chair exercises. The important thing is to get all those muscles slowly moving again and to rid your body of toxic material. Never mind the nay-sayers. Keep up the good work. By the way, in this house we are extremely pleased with the great democratic exercise we had in the USA last week. We are not publicly taking any sides for professional reasons but we do sense you might smell our political inkling. A big kiss to you and your lovely daughter. Arrivederci.

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