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Tag: ms fatigue

Safe transfer from my wheelchair

Safe transfer from my wheelchair

Yesterday was the first time I actually went from my wheelchair directly into my bed. My daughter left to go back to school and I am once again alone in the house. I must say the realization of that fact became very clear when I realized how fatigued my legs were. I did a long workout program in the morning because I felt up to the challenge. I always do my hardest program on Sunday because I’m home all day,…

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Mental exhaustion with MS

Mental exhaustion with MS

Question, do you snap at people when you’ve hit your limit? When all my energy is gone and I’m completely exhausted, I’m known to loose my patience. My fuse is short and I can snap easily. My daughter knows this all to well. It is just like my brain can’t handle anything else in that given moment and all my positivity and mental reasoning goes out the door. I wouldn’t say it happens often anymore but it does happen. I…

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Dog tired occupational therapy hazard

Dog tired occupational therapy hazard

Occupational therapy kicked my ass today. I knew my first day back would be rough but wow, that was super duper tough. He started with these tiny little beads I had to put onto a shape. He let me do this with my hands. How nice of him. I had a star shape. This consumed the first 30 minutes of therapy. Trying to put those teeny tiny beads on the teeny tiny holes with my left hand. I was only…

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A choice to exercise

A choice to exercise

Happy Monday. My aid just told me I look tired. I’m always tired. I can sleep for 24 hours and I’d still wake up tired. I just did my little cardio workout but i was tired. It doesn’t ever matter, I’ve just learned to push through the feeling as I have always done. I bought a treadmill way back when I was still married living in my house. It was used for a total of a month tops before it…

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I’m too tired for Monday

I’m too tired for Monday

I’m not sleeping well which is unusual for me. Sleeping has never been my problem. I can sleep all day and night normally other than getting up for bathroom breaks. Once in a while I deal with spasticity issues that plague my sleep. That can last for a night to a week to a month but that is sporadic and the medications I take at night normally do a good job preventing those episodes. I take baclofen, neurontin and flexeril…

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Getting to know a new bathroom floor

Getting to know a new bathroom floor

I knew I shouldn’t write that about falling. I was playing mahjong yesterday and we were actually playing here in my building. It was one of those days where I was just not holding up very well in the game and I was having difficulties keeping up right. OK, it happens. I wasn’t going to stop playing because I was so happy. I haven’t played in so long. my bladder has been really cooperative and I don’t normally have to…

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A day off from MS, my one wish

A day off from MS, my one wish

So far so good. I probably shouldn’t say that, I’ll jinx myself. I’ve been fall free for a few weeks letting all my bruises finally heal. Although I must admit to a bad MS day yesterday that put me in a bad mood. I once again took off a handle on my kitchen cabinet with the wheelchair and marked up a wall. I’ve had this kitchen cabinet repaired twice already. It is just frustrating sometimes in the wheelchair because the…

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My back can’t always hold me up anymore

My back can’t always hold me up anymore

I slept so good last night. I went to before 10:00 and slept through until 4am. Then went back to sleep until almost 9. That’s some quality sleep right there. I was woken up by my dogs running to greet my aid coming through the door. Otherwise I might have slept even longer. Guess I was tired. I’m always tired. Today is mahjong. I love mahjong but I didn’t hold up so well last week. Actually let me rephrase that,…

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Numbness in the hands

Numbness in the hands

I’m hanging with the puppies again Look I even included a makeup free version of myself. I just had my hair done yesterday so I must say the color looks fabulous though my hair needs a little straightening help. However my sweet ZoZo looks very cute on my shoulder and I had to show the picture. That’s where she loves to sleep. Marshy is sprawled across my lap. This is most mornings for me when I’m writing my blog. I…

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Swimming difficulties with multiple sclerosis

Swimming difficulties with multiple sclerosis

Good morning world. Happy Monday. It’s a dreary one here in NY, raining. That’s ok I was home today anyway. I am about to doing of my exercise programs and I’m still deciding which one to do. I might let my aid pick since I force her to exercise with me when I exercise in the house. Sometimes I purposely don’t go swimming because I want her to exercise. However I have to admit something about swimming, it’s been getting…

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