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Tag: ms fatigue

Spring cleaning

Spring cleaning

Good morning world. I’ve been a busy beaver. Now that I’m feeling better I went back to cleaning. Yesterday I took on my nightstand. This is partly due to the fact that some of the items I would normally put in these draws have been thrown up on my computer desk. A not so steady area on a good day. This is also a place in my room I hit with my wheelchair weekly. To my own defense it is…

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Upright walker

Upright walker

Yes it was definitely more expensive than other walkers but keeping you in the upright position is HUGE. I was exhausted by the time I got it together yesterday and even with my heavy, difficult steps, I knew this was the right purchase. It is such a difference because you are standing straight. In the MS Gym we work everyday on BGB, butts, guts and blades. Keeping your butt tucked, your stomach in and your shoulders back to give you…

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Better but exhausted

Better but exhausted

Better today but still so tired. I went into bed at 8 last night and got out of bed after 8 this morning. Today is the first day I’m drinking coffee. Hopefully that helps. However I can feel already my body is exhausted. I did a very simple 30 minute workout because I have a few things going on today and didn’t want to overdo myself. Yet I’m sitting here exhausted. This is not good. So much has gone on…

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Rough day

Rough day

Rough day yesterday. I didn’t feel well when I woke up in the morning. I didn’t pay attention. I did my normal routine and was working out when Minx started eating something he shouldn’t. I reached down to pick up my grabber, which I myself knocked over, and literally fell out of the wheelchair. I got myself right back up but was unable to turn around and get myself back into the wheelchair and slid down again. My body was…

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I have multiple sclerosis

I have multiple sclerosis

I have multiple sclerosis. Sometimes this disease makes it so difficult. I pray for a day that everything wasn’t so hard. Yet one day I’ll look back at days the way I am now wishing I could have these back. That’s the thing, I know in time, it will be worse. That’s a truly sobering thought, knowing for sure my MS will be worse. People ask how I have such a positive attitude, with the real knowledge I live with,…

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How fatigue affects life

How fatigue affects life

I’ve been so tired lately. I never really took in to account how my body would react to work being done in my place. I knew I would be shifted around slightly but didn’t think it was a big deal. I was clearly wrong. By the time the afternoon comes around I’m struggling to get myself to the bathroom. I’m back to dreading every time the need comes. Sometimes I’m so tired that the hesitancy I talked about recently Bladder…

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The Routine

The Routine

I’m sure I’ve blogged about this at some point because I don’t do well with disruptions. The days of spontaneous activities have long been gone. I could never just meet someone for dinner at short notice. My life, or I should say my activities, are planned both mentally and physically. Everything I do requires a tremendous amount of effort. Everyday is different as to which activity will put me over the edge. The activity might be the same and the…

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Bladder Hesitancy

Bladder Hesitancy

I’ve written so many blogs about my numerous “accidents” but I never discuss the other way. I actually experience both of them which is why Botox wasn’t an option for me. I dealt with hesitancy long before I dealt with the urgency and the accidents. What is urinary hesitancy mean? If you have trouble starting to urinate or maintaining urine flow, you may have urinary hesitancy. If you ever experienced hesitancy you know how it feels. Your bladder is full,…

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I’m feeling ok, another infusion in the past

I’m feeling ok, another infusion in the past

It is beautiful out although slightly chilly. That doesn’t stop me from opening windows to let some fresh air through. I don’t mind the chill, it feels nice because the sun is hitting this side of the building. Once the sun starts to move I will start to freeze. The temperature is only 46 degrees out, not really windows open weather. It’s that sun hitting so directly that adds so much heat. It feels really nice. I’ve been feeling pretty…

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Multiple sclerosis isn’t just my diagnosis

Multiple sclerosis isn’t just my diagnosis

I’m thankfully doing better today because I slept. Never under estimate the power of a good nights sleep. I was able to exercise a little this morning. I purposely decided to keep it simple and just do my MS gym exercises. There was an entire revamping of the MS gym and I actually started the from the very beginning again. That means the exercises aren’t as intense. I was pairing them with chair cardio everyday but knew that wouldn’t be…

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