Cutting the cord meditation

Cutting the cord meditation

Back in June, I went to the Spirit Junkie Masterclass which was the most amazing spiritual high I was ever on. We learned many things and were challenged to many things. One was to put a new meditation practice into our daily lives. I meditate everyday but these meditation had more specific purposes. Some were specific for attaining life goals, some were specific for manifest your dreams and some were specific to letting go. The cutting the cord meditation is letting go of negative energy that is wearing you down daily. It’s the invisible cord that attaches you to people but for the wrong reason and instead of helping you, it is actually hindering you. My sister believes I needed this for my mom. She feels I have to much of a dependency on my mom that is unhealthy. This was supposed to be my goal meditation leaving the Spirit Junkie Masterclass but I never did it. My mom is my best friend. I talk to her everyday sometimes twice a day. She is and always has been an intricate part of my life. She lives close, I have her only grandchild and I have multiple sclerosis. It’s just how life worked. I didn’t want to cut that cord with my mom, so I never did the meditation. However, I revisited this meditation over the last week and decided to share it with you. You can buy a guided version of this through Gabby Bernstein’s website, in the link below, for $4.00 or you can listen to what it entails and do it yourself. I made the 30 day commitment to cut the cord of artificial attachments, negative energy I feel connected to and people that I no longer have connections with. I figure I had a lot of spiritual blogs this week, it would be a nice addition to end with this.

One thought on “Cutting the cord meditation

  1. Thank you so much for this post! I keep saying that I need to meditate, but I have not done so yet. Shame on me! I need something that will help me get out of my own brain! I appreciate you sharing this great information! Keep up the great work!!!!

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