The final stretch
December is here already. These years are feeling like they are speeding up as I get older. This is a big month for me. My step mom and Dad both turn 75 this month and they also celebrate a 25 year anniversary. Happy birthday and anniversary to them. Big milestone marks and celebrations. Unfortunately, I won’t see them until February when I go to Florida but I can visit and celebrate over the phone.
My dad is getting a pacemaker in a few days. I have heard from many people it’s an easy procedure but anytime your parents, or any loved one has a surgery, simple or not, you worry. I’m worried because I’m not there. It is a helpless feeling being in New York when he’s in Florida. Truth is there wouldn’t be much I could do even if I was I’m Florida, it’s just the waiting to hear that is so difficult. I’m thinking my positive thoughts. Sending my positive thoughts through meditation.
My condo goes to closing on 12/12. That’s so exciting. It gives me about 2 weeks where I can do some work and start to organize the place before the movers come on 12/27. I then have 4 more days where my apartment will be empty and can be cleaned before I do my final walk through with my landlord. Hoping I get back some of my security. However on 12/27 I will officially be staying in my condo, my home.
I just asked my adopted sister if she could take the dogs to her house that day, let them hang out. This way they aren’t too nervous and anxious with all the activity. She’s watching them the weekend before which is Christmas when I go visit my sister upstate. We have been doing this tradition for maybe 4-5 years now. We celebrate the holidays together. We see a movie, which seems to be often a Star Wars related release film, my favorite. We exchange gifts on Christmas morning although we are all Jewish. It’s a tradition, gifts aside, I really treasure. I love being with my family.
2018 is just around the corner. I know it’s going to be a good year. Even better than 2017. I must say 2017 was really good so I’m looking forward to what’s next.
2 thoughts on “The final stretch”
I have a friend at work who is 85 and she just got pacemaker. She was up and back in a very short time and has so much more energy. Prayers for your busy month!
Thanks. I heard it was simple but I still worry.