Lemonayde a new dating app
I realized something recently, I can do a lot of things from my couch. I can buy groceries and furniture. I can make money and do things from my blog. I can even make pen pal friends from all over the world. Finding love, that might require more effort than me just sitting on the couch. I have to date again. The thought overwhelmed me. To go back out their explain my walker, my disability, my MS, I remembered why I stopped dating to begin with.
Almost 24 hours after the thought of dating occurred to me, I got an email about Lemonayde. This is a dating app geared for people with chronic illness, health problems and struggles. It was like the universe came down to say, “you’re not the only one single and dating with a disability”. To date someone that could understand some of my daily challenges without me having to explain every detail with apologies, I couldn’t even begin to imagine. The weight of my disability would be off of me while dating so I could just concentrate on dating. I’ve been looking for an app like this way before I rejoined POF and match.
The world of chronic illness unfortunately isn’t small. I’m sure there are many singles that feel the same way I do that would love to date others in similar circumstances to themselves. I immediately checked out the Lemonayde app. The men in my area are much younger then me (at the moment) but that still made me happy. It is a site younger people can go on to mingle and find love when conventional dating might not work. I think this site is what our community has been waiting for. The company had a great mission statement I’d like to share:
The best advice I’ve ever gotten – when it comes to dating is… “It’s kind of like making a sale – if you don’t believe in your own product, it’ll be tough to convince someone else to buy what you’re selling”. More importantly, by loving yourself, you show your partner how to love you and show yourself how to love your partner. Love YOU first.
We may call ourselves a dating app, but our mission goes way beyond that!
2 thoughts on “Lemonayde a new dating app”
Anything to report on this? Have you made a match?
At this point the guys on the site in my area are too young. However more people sign up everyday. I think the idea of the site is great I’m hopeful