A beautiful feeling

A beautiful feeling

I just woke up feeling good today. Not so much MS good but mentally good. I should have said happy because that’s what it was just happy feelings.

I always wake up and pet the dogs before getting out of bed. It is my morning ritual and both dogs know it. Marshy, who sleeps under the covers, emerges when he hears my voice and comes nuzzling next to me and immediately gives me his tummy to scratch. Zoey, who is always right next to me, is usually waiting patiently for my eyeballs to open. She usually greets me with a morning bath of face licks and today she didn’t. Today I got kisses from Marshy and Zoey let me pet her tummy. It was like Opposite Day and it brought immediate smiles to my face.

That wasn’t even why I was so happy, although my dogs always make me happy. It is a combination of everything. It is getting out of bed and seeing the canals and the water sparkling every morning. I can’t believe I live here sometimes. It is that I now own this handicap van. This van that I believed, without any doubt, I was going to get without a clue how I was ever going to afford it. I just knew I was going to own one. 8 months later I own one that I can afford and has already exceeded my expectations on how it will make my life so much easier.

I realized the amount of support I got from family, friends and acquaintances was so amazing and generous and was done with such love that it just filled me with glee today. I woke up this morning feeling so lucky to be me despite my challenges. I am so grateful for everything I have. It is a beautiful feeling.

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