Chair workouts
I talk about working out so often I thought I should share some of my favorites. I go to Youtube often. There are so many free videos for working out that you have no excuse. I usually do 3 days weights and 3 days cardio. Yes, I do the MS Gym first and that I do pay for that program but that isn’t the main part of my exercise. The following are some I do with most consistency:
Adapt to Perform this is my favorite cardio. I usually go through this program at least two times. If you subscribe you’ll see he has a number of videos available for weights and cardio. Every workout completely wheelchair friendly since he is also in a wheelchair.
Tracy Steen upper body workout I use this upper body weighted workout. I love the three sections and the repetition of each movement. Truthfully I love this video because it’s hard. I certainly feel muscle fatigue when I finish this video.
Caroline Jordan This chick is spunky on steroids but don’t let that fool you, her chair workouts are super hard. She has quite a few chair friendly videos so you can find many videos to workout with. She will definitely have you sweating and working hard. Some moves are difficult but you do what you can and she will tell you the same thing.
Variety Ontario upper body This is a low weight endurance workout. It is all strength moves but the pace is fast. I have not been able to get past using my 1lb weighted gloves and usually I have to take them off before the end. I love this because it is the endurance aspect of a weight workout but it is challenging. They have other videos that are wheelchair friendly that I like as well.
Paula B I have to admit this woman is definitely quirky, not everyone’s cup of tea, but she has TONS of videos and even if they aren’t chair (although there are many) the workouts are adaptable. I wouldn’t count her out, you can mute the TV. She has a lot of really good workouts.
Planet Fitness I use this workout more recently. The video only has about 8 exercises that are repeated. It hits every major upper body muscle group without causing fatigue. I personally go through the program twice but even once is a great place to start.
Go simpli This is one of my newer videos I found. I think I tagged the level 3 upper body but there are others levels if you subscribe. I was definitely challenged in this video. It was definitely hard even at 5lbs.
With all these workouts I always have my Bionic Gym on a low setting but it helps raise my heart rate and keep it elevated. The bionic gym has been a big change to my chair workouts. BionicGym I hope you check out some videos and get yourself moving. Check out bionic gym too BionicGym even sitting you can burn an insane amount of calories.