Weekend changes
The switch with the new aide actually went pretty flawlessly. My current aide actually had a lot to do with that. She really took the time to show the new aide around. She didn’t have to do that. It wasn’t an aide from her agency. It was an aide that was replacing her. I think I was more impressed with her this week than I have been the entire time she’s been with me. I actually was a little sad to see her go. However, turns out she has been unhappy with the nursing agency. She wanted to switch to my new agency. She sat with my new aide for some time getting all the information. She is calling tomorrow. My new aide actually is the one who 8pm-8am shift. She was asked to do a double today. Tomorrow is another person for the 8am-8pm shift. Having my current aide for the 8am-8pm shift wouldn’t be so terrible. I think what I didn’t like about her is I felt like between the hours she last changed me at night and 9am when her shift started again I couldn’t ask her for anything. Considering that was usually from like 9:30pm-9am, that was a lot of time I felt alone. Alone with aides in my house 24 hours. That is why I feel if she was doing a 12 hour afternoon shift, that would be fine. I guess we will see what will happen.
I am determined to start changing a few things. The first being getting out of bed. I started this weekend and got up every day. Go me!! I decided even if I am not up in my comfy chair yet, at least I am up a little. I have been able to stand easily but my right foot is not making the pivot I need for a smooth transition. I still kind of flop into the chair. I use the wheelchair ability to go all the way back to actually slide me into the right position. Sometimes my foot has some movement but this is definitely the biggest obstacle to me maneuvering. My second thing is getting dressed every day. No more pajamas all day. I don’t have to be fancy but I need to break that habit too. It is easy to stay in pajamas when you are staying in bed. I need to start participating in the day. I might not be up and out but I can be dressed as if I am ready for a visitor. I think that the pajamas sets your mind in the wrong mode. I do keep my pj’s on when I’m doing bionic gym. It is just easy to get the wraps on my legs that way. Then I can get dressed when it is finished. I made that decision it is easier for everyone to leave me in the pj’s. Yet I can’t continue with what is easier anymore, I need to start resembling life again.
Once again I am taking little steps and celebrating small victories. I focus on the day even though I have a huge big picture. I can’t worry about the end game. I have no control over the future. I have control over the daily choices I make that take me there. I’ve stated that many times. I’m grateful that a really nice aide came in this morning. I am grateful for the help my other aide provided. I’m grateful I am up, dressed and cuddling with my puppies. I am happy that my windows are open and a cool breeze is coming from outside. These days those are part of my small victories. Being grateful is a small victory. I am happy for my blog because it has allowed me to really write how I am dealing with the “new” me. I thank all the people who comment and like a post either on WordPress or Facebook. I appreciate all the support always.