My handicap accessible bathroom

My handicap accessible bathroom

I had to get work done in my condo. I needed to make my bathroom handicap accessible. It is inside. I have a grab bar and a stall shower but the doorway was so small I couldn’t get my walker in let alone my wheelchair. It was on the list of things to do to make my life at home more accessible.

I have two bathrooms in my condo. I usually use my daughter’s because I keep my bedroom door shut during the day. The only reason why is because of my youngest dog. She has a habit of eating poop. She’s good if you are watching her but in my room you can’t see her. It became a ritual to close my door so she doesn’t go in there being small sneaky. My daughter’s bathroom is the main bathroom in the condo is isn’t it isn’t attached to her room although like my bathroom has a really small doorway. I can’t get in their with any of my devices.

I made the decision to only widen one bathroom doorway just because it wasn’t cheap and having both done wasn’t necessary. I could go into my own room a few more feet away, especially if I am in my wheelchair. I widened the door from 26 to 30 inches. Now I have no issues getting either device into the room.

Still on the list that will eventually need to be addressed is the height of my bed, it’s getting difficult to get on, a small ramp to get to my balcony in my wheelchair, eliminate the small lip in my shower and a new dresser or bed frame that the wheelchair can get through to the other side of my room. Minor things at this point.

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