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Tag: ms fatigue

Oops I did it again

Oops I did it again

I am so run down again and I don’t even know what I did. Of course I do, it was the stress of the parking space that I’ve dealt with for the last week Ever since I stopped working, I have very little stress in my life. Aggravation, yes with my insurance company I deal with that all the time. For some reason every now and then I get into some sort of stress situation my body just can’t…

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A MS anger post

A MS anger post

If you follow my blog you know I’m normally positive. I don’t have the energy to be positive right now. I am so tired of being 46 and having to have somebody cut my food. If I make some sort of protein for dinner, like steak which I recently started eating, my aid has to cut it before she leaves. I could barely even cut chicken. I can barely use one of my stainless steel silverware and usually opt for…

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Running on empty

Running on empty

Man I am beat. I am so tired and I’ve really done nothing but what I’ve done is enough to exhaust me. July has certainly has been a very tough month for me. It started out with my insurance changing to Medicare. Goodbye referrals!!! However, I also had many doctors appointments appointment scheduled because of it. Then I ended up with cellulitis at the beginning of July. July 9 actually was my first trip to the emergency room. I know…

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It was a tough weekend

It was a tough weekend

Where to begin. Saturday on my way to a lovely, relaxing nail appointment, when I opened my condo door I was greeted with five movers to my across the way neighbors condo. They were moving. That wasn’t the issue, it was my dog Marshy who saw them too and bolted. I was unprepared. He took off down the corridors of my condo. It’s not like I could run. I can barley walk. I’m trying to keep Zoey in the condo…

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DoTerra Lifelong Vitality pack

DoTerra Lifelong Vitality pack

I’ve never been a believer in oils or vitamins but the results made me a believer. Every family should own the family essentials kit. It can replace most of your medicine cabinet. I can’t live without OnGuard and Oregano. I use it every time I feel like I’m getting sick or I’m near someone getting sick. With MS I take Ocrevus which wipes out my immune fighting B-cells. Other than a few days here and there I made it through…

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A better MS day

A better MS day

Well some of the fatigue in my arms has lifted, thankfully. I slept for 11 hours last night. Considering most days I sleep about 8-9 hours, I’m not usually lacking in the sleep department. I guess I still needed it. I probably could have slept longer but the phone rang. I had the worst spasm in my leg yesterday. It took a few minutes for the muscles to relax so I could get my leg to lower back down. It…

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Unfortunately I have MS

Unfortunately I have MS

If I had a dollar for every time someone said to me, “feel better soon” when they see me walking. People see that I’m young and assume I just hurt myself or had some sort of surgery. It’s hard for them to imagine that this is how it is everyday. Unfortunately, I have MS, there is no feeling better soon. I’ve felt good, at least relative to how good I could feel with my disease. I attribute it to my…

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Two year renewal of Multiple Experiences

Two year renewal of Multiple Experiences

It’s official, today I renewed my blog’s domain name for another two years. This also renewed my iPage contract that my blog is hosted through. I made my commitment to my blog, to my readers and to myself. That means I’m going to be around every day for another two years. I have to admit, I’ve been a little lazy with this blog. I haven’t put much effort in lately. It wasn’t done on purpose, it was just a tough…

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Bad MS day

Bad MS day

Yesterday was a tough one. From the moment I woke up, to the moment I went to bed. I even slept for 12 hours. It started first thing in the morning, I fell almost to soon as I got out of bed. The spasticity in my body was at an all time high. I really wanted to take a second neurontin, but I know that can make me very loopy and would make my walking even harder. Since I was…

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Managing fatigue

Managing fatigue

I didn’t sleep well yesterday. Actually I barely slept. It’s been a very long time since I had a night like that. I don’t do well with lack of sleep, most MS patients don’t. For me personally, lack of sleep can create a very bad day. Luckily, I’m home today. I’ll be cooking in the morning. This afternoon my air conditioner/heater in my bedroom is being fixed. I end today with my MS fitness trainer in my pool. I have…

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