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Tag: ms fatigue

Fatigue is in all parts of the body

Fatigue is in all parts of the body

Today is mahjong. I’m very excited I didn’t play last week. I’ve been very focused in the gym working my core to help me with the forward and backward movements in the game. I can normally make it through 3 1/2 hours of play but I still have issues and fatigue by the end. It isn’t as bad as the beginning when I first started to play. It is amazing what will fatigue the body. If I do a workout…

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And we’re back, it’s Monday again, doesn’t it seem to happen so fast? I just find the weekends go so quick and I don’t even work anymore. I’m not really complaining because each day is similar for me but on the weekends I’m kind of my own which I generally come to appreciate. I won’t lie, the weekends can be very difficult because no one is usually here. So I lie very very low and usually do very little. I…

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Provigil denied

Provigil denied

Provigil or it’s generic Modafinil reduces extreme sleepiness due to narcolepsy and other sleep disorders, such as periods of stopped breathing during sleep (obstructive sleep apnea). It is also used to help you stay awake during work hours if you have a work schedule that keeps you from having a normal sleeproutine (shift work sleep disorder) I’ve taken this drug for over 10 of my 21 years having MS. We decided to add it back in again recently because I’ve been suffering from fatigue Neurologist appointment complete….

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Neurologist appointment complete

Neurologist appointment complete

I didn’t cry. I didn’t leave happy but I didn’t cry. I don’t leave with good news anymore so it is hard to be upbeat. I had three things on my list to discuss: Bathroom issue Fatigue Weight All discussed in my blog yesterday Neurologist check in tomorrow. This was the outcome. Bathroom. I was correct and I’m sorry to say this is a common problem amongst people with multiple sclerosis, due to lack of muscle control to lead to…

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Neurologist check in tomorrow

Neurologist check in tomorrow

I have one of my neurologist appointments tomorrow. I have two neurologists. One is the specialist in NYC at one of the big hospitals. She prescribes my main MS drug, currently Rituxan, plus recommends anything in clinical trials like biotin or statins. She’s a great neurologist but I don’t consider her my main neurologist. That is the one I have the appointment with tomorrow. This is the neurologist that diagnosed me 21+ years ago and has been my doctor the…

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Fatigue is never easy

Fatigue is never easy

The heat, the heat is here and it is not making life an easier. I played mahjong and I could barely hold myself upright by the end of the game and I was in AC. The heat finds it way into your bones and still manages to fatigue you regardless of where you are. I came home and collapsed. I was in bed by 9 and slept through the night until 4. I’m exhausted still. I sleep I’m exhausted, I…

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I’m a MS Warrior

I’m a MS Warrior

It took me a long time to recover yesterday after swimming Back in the pool. I knew it would but my recovery time keeps getting longer and longer. I’m not looking forward to the day I don’t recover because I’m not planning on ever stopping exercising. I might have had to revise it drastically but I still do something to help myself move at least 30 minutes 5 days a week. Unfortunately the rest of the time I’m quite sedentary….

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A family weekend

A family weekend

I had the best nights sleep I had in a long time. I woke up once at 1am to use the bathroom and then slept right on through until 7:22 when the bathroom called again. That is a long stretch of time for me. I needed that!!! I could still sleep more truthfully but it was time to start my day. Plus my cell phone went off and I answered it. I normally go to the gym today but decided…

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Working out with MS

Working out with MS

Overheated and under slept. Not a good combo to wake up with. I shut my AC off last night because I was cold. Of course it was ridiculously humid when I got out of bed. I had hours to turn it back on. I was up between the hours of 4-6AM and the time I feel back to sleep between 6-8 weren’t restful. Needless to say I woke up behind the MS eight ball already dragging my feet and having…

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Fatigue and multiple sclerosis

Fatigue and multiple sclerosis

I’ve been staying home a little more lately because I haven’t been feeling great and the weather. I’m sleeping a lot more and even when I get out of bed I’m forcing myself up more so then wanting to get up. It is a horrible feeling to be so tired after you’ve slept for 10 hours. If anything I’m forcing myself to get out of the house. I feel like all I’ve done is blog about my MS symptoms lately…

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