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Tag: ms fatigue

Have a very happy hump day

Have a very happy hump day

It’s the hump day. That middle of the week where it’s all downhill to Friday. I’ve been up since roughly 5:30 this morning. I’m exhausted. I couldn’t sleep. I should change that, I couldn’t fall back to sleep. Not sleeping is like an instant bad day with MS. I just wrote the ticket for the day. Not that I could’ve controlled it, I just know how my body is when I don’t sleep. My daughter was up all night studying…

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The reality of my situation

The reality of my situation

It’s been four days that I have owned the condo. However it’s only been three days that my new scooter has been in my condo. I have to admit it, life is a lot easier in the scooter. I’m getting tired doing the walking. Every day is a struggle and it’s just getting harder and harder. My steps are getting slower and slower. I do the simplest task and I am just completely wiped out. Then I have to walk…

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I own a condo

I own a condo

Technically I don’t own it,  but it’s mine. But I happy day it was. I’m sharing my picture which I normally would never do because it’s not a flattering shot at the smile on my face was pure joy. This is my mom and my stepdad with me. They were just as happy. It was exciting to go to the condo with my own set of keys and open the door and see this…. My own blank slate. It was…

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oh my God it’s today, we close on the condo. We all meet at 10 o’clock this morning and by 11 o’clock, I will have the keys to my new place. It’s so surreal. I was there yesterday to do the walk-through and it was basically clean but there was still some stuff laying around. Today when I come in will be my blank slate. Today I’ll see the condo for the first time with absolutely nothing there. I’m so…

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It’s another Monday

It’s another Monday

These days come fast, don’t they? I have to say, it’s been very busy for me. Good busy buying stuff for my new condo, but busy. I’m exhausted and it’s Monday I didn’t even do anything. I was out both days this weekend shopping. I had buy new locks the door. May not sound like such a big deal, but I have multiple sclerosis and it’s getting worse. I fumble a lot with keys and sometimes the dexterity in my…

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Multiple sclerosis changed my life many times

Multiple sclerosis changed my life many times

This blog was inspired by another MS blogger, who like me, has had this disease along time. Her positive spirit is always an inspiration. It wasn’t one time, it’s been many times. The first was the day I got my diagnosis. I didn’t understand what MS was. There wasn’t an internet yet I could search. I had to look it up in an old set of encyclopedias that were in my home. It had maybe two paragraphs in the…

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Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity

Multiple Sclerosis Spasticity

What’s your worst and MS symptom, besides fatigue ?  At first I would’ve always answered the numbness, but eventually you get used to it. Not used to it in the sense that it feels normal, use to it in the sense that this is how it is. My hands and fingers are so numb all the time. I’ve lost all tactile feeling and sometimes can’t tell the difference  between an item that is wet or dry, cotton or silk and…

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Sometimes MS just sucks

Sometimes MS just sucks

It’s a dreary day today. It’s raining outside. My apartments all dark except for the light of my iPad. That’s OK, I don’t have much going on except for packing. I’ve been talking so much about my new place I haven’t talked much about MS. I finally was able to see my physical therapist  to get some exercises for when I fall and there’s nothing around me to help me get up. I’m on the physical therapy maintenance program so…

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Neurologist check up day, NYC specialist

Neurologist check up day, NYC specialist

Going to the neurologist are usually a bittersweet day. I really like my neurologist in the city, she is a wonderful doctor. I honestly couldn’t ask for more compassionate, caring and understanding for MS.  That being said, there’s limits to what could be done for me. Since seeing her regularly I’m on my third MS drug that I started back in September, which is Ocrevus.  I can say that I was on Rituxan prior to this and the changes only…

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Where is the real October weather

Where is the real October weather

I’m wearing shorts on October 25th in New York. My windows are open in my house but there is no such thing as global warming. Oh please. This is crazy. In case you actually care, everyday it’s been higher than normal this October. I always said I wanted weather like San Francisco 70 degrees and beautiful each day, guess I’m getting it except we get humidity. Yesterday was so humid and MS doesn’t like humid. It’s like starting five steps…

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