The weekly review
Well Mahjong was a blast yesterday. I picked it up pretty well. My mom was impressed how quickly I got it. I grew up around my mom playing it every Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. If I was home sick I’d hear them all day calling the tiles. After a while you pick some things up. Everyone else was getting it by the end. We are going to get another lesson.
I just finished swimming 50 laps. The pool was filed yesterday so the water wasn’t as warm as it normally is. The first lap I couldn’t get my breathing right and choked gasping for air a few times. Then I was fine. How strange that the difference in temperature caused me to not know how to breathe with my strokes? My friend wants to take me out on their jet ski and my dad said “make sure you wear a life jacket”. I instantly replied, “I will but I can swim.” He said something so smart in response…”you can swim in your heated pool, the ocean is cold your body might not be able to move.” How right he was. That’s exactly what would happen to my body in cold water and why I couldn’t breathe momentarily this morning in the pool.
The rest of today I’m cooking, well once my body recovers. Tomorrow is my MS trainer. Nails Saturday and a bbq on Sunday. All good things.
Have a happy Thursday.