A nurse assessment today
Today my insurance company is sending in a nurse to do a six month review. This review dictates my aids hours and you just never know what is going to happen. I was changed to this plan back in July of 2018 when I became Medicare eligible. They continued with the same level I was currently receiving.
My aids hours are actually covered through my secondary plan which is a Medicaid HMO plan. I have never had a problem with my hours being picked up. However, I did when I considered changing HMO plans. Some of the other plans wouldn’t offer me the same level of hours that I’ve have and have had for over 2 years. I just decided not to switch plans, easy enough. Yet, every time these reviews come up, I have this fear that my current plan will now try to lower my hours as well. I think it’s a valid fear and I can appeal any decision but still I prefer things to go smoothly and not fight my insurance.
The nurse is scheduled to be here at 1:30. It is snowing in NY. My aid has to leave early to pick up her son from school because there is no afternoon activities. I’m hoping the nurse gets her safely and on time. I’m sure it will all go well, hopefully.