My hair is grey and my nails are breaking
Seems everyone is saying the same thing, at least everyone in my age bracket. I don’t care so much about my nails and truthfully I could do my own hair. I just know I’d never match my color so I’ll leave it to the professionals. I’m getting my magic sleek done as soon as this is over anyway and it changes my hair color. Picture makes me laugh.
I’m grateful this is what is consuming my mind these days. I’ve left my house 2 times since March 10th. My wheelchair evaluation was my first time out. I’m going out…my wheelchair evaluation.
We took the dogs for a little walk on Saturday. The fresh air felt nice. I got to see my friend from the building as she walked her own dog at a distance behind us. I didn’t wear a mask. I was happy to be breathing in fresh air. Yesterday the governor made an executive order as of Friday April 17, you must wear a face mask or covering when out in public. Not that I was planning on many more outings in the near future but that kind of squashed any more dog walks. Makes me thrilled I changed my windows on my balcony so that I can fully open them. I can’t wear those masks. They make me hot. I’ve overheated every time I’ve worn one. Like overheated bad for MS overheated. It has taken me hours to cool my body down. Awful!!!!
So it’s a good thing I’m happy at home, looks like I will still be here for a while. As far as my hair and nails I guess I really don’t need to worry, who’s seeing me anyway? I really wasn’t lol, I just find it funny that everyone says it.