One day at a time
I am still here, barely. I got home from the rehab last Wednesday. It has been rough!! I fell 4 times within the first 12 hours. My strength was significantly worse than I realized. My legs couldn’t hold me up. I realized they didn’t have the strength to push from a seated position to a stand. I was bed bound. This dark cloud came over my world. I refused to talk to anyone. I cried. I am always fighting multiple sclerosis. I’ve been fighting for 23 years. It was already so difficult, yet I never thought how much worse it could still get. I was in a dismal mood. Completely filled with both fear and dread. For the first time I felt too tired to fight anymore.
I’ve spoke to both my neurologist. My specialist made it seem like once the Covid and UTI infections leave my body, my strength will return. Technically both infections are now negative but my strength has NOT returned. My other neurologist said my strength would return but unfortunately it will take awhile. My specialist meant it will return in time, as well, but she never stated it like that. I talked to my specialist from the day I entered into the hospital because I missed my Kesimpta dose. I didn’t talk to my other neurologist until I got home. I was under a disbelief that as soon as I felt better all the MS issues would go away. Especially since I was under the belief that the crazy spasticity I was suffering was caused by a UTI. https://multipleexperiences.org/2021/12/29/remaining-hopeful-it-will-help-the-spasticity/I was very wrong in my thinking.
Covid and MS, there isn’t much information. I found the same basic information that my specialist told me.
Like any other infection, COVID-19 can cause some MS symptoms to come back. But those should lessen or go away once you fight off the virus.null
You may notice more:
- Fatigue
- Movement trouble
- Vision problems
- Weakness or numbness in one arm or leg. https://www.webmd.com/multiple-sclerosis/covid-19-multiple-sclerosis-ms
Guess what, not how it was for me. I feel like I had a full blown MS relapse without any new symptoms. My existing symptoms have been worsened to the 1000th degree. It has been such a shock to me because it happened so fast. 3 weeks ago I was doing my exercises with my Bionic Gym. Now I’m wearing diapers celebrating if I was able to get out of my bed for 30 minutes a day. All I can say is I am once again battling with multiple sclerosis NOT covid nor the UTI. I’m always fighting MS and my victories are very small so far.
I have no idea if and when my strength will come back. I started physical therapy with my therapist who has been with me for a couple of years. He is great and knows my body and it’s functionality. I’m trying to take each day one at a time. I’m still getting periods where I feel achy everywhere although I don’t have a fever. I also still am getting headaches. Both of these are side effects of covid, or so I am told. I finally took my Kesimpta shot over the weekend because I ultimately was almost a full month behind. I hope my energy will continue to increase so I can go back to blogging. Thank you for being here. Thank you to my family for all their support.
4 thoughts on “One day at a time”
Glad to see you back!!! Just recovered from Omicron myself. My taste and sense of smell came popping back yesterday.
I never lost smell or taste. It was not a fun infection by any means. Glad you are better.
I was super sick from my booster shot and still 2.5 months later haven’t got my strength back.
I got sick from the booster too for a few days. Thinking about it I was also so weak that first day after the booster and it is how I’ve been since getting Covid