Packing to unpack moving in 7 weeks
Now that I’m moving, I have to pack. I went from my house to an apartment. It was a lot of downsizing. Now I’m going from an apartment to a condo. So I have to downsize again. I thought it was hard moving from a three bedroom house with a full dining room, living room, kitchen and den into a two bedroom apartment. Now I have to go from a two bedroom apartment with a huge living room, kitchen, crawlspace, pantry and attic into a condo that has one huge closet shared with my washer and dryer a small kitchen, small linen closet, no pantry, no crawl space or attic. I’ll have access to storage in the basement but that will be only for my large scooter. Hmmmmm, This is daunting!!!
You really never know how much shit you have until it has to be packed. I have accumulated so much garbage. However, I’m attached to the garbage. I don’t want to throw it out!!! I just now have no room for it. Truthfully I’m happy to downsize. I need a life less cluttered. I don’t know if it’s my old age, or my MS, but clutter seems to make me nervous now. After I did my closet I was prepared to throw out everything. Even my U2 memorabilia that I’ve had for ages and ages, I was just ready to let it go. It’s all just clutter. So excited to move. To start a new chapter, that’s what moving feels like.
My apartment has been really good to me for a long time but it was never my home. I never hung up my pictures of my family because to me this was only a temporary stop. To my daughter, this was home. She was 7 when we moved in. She’s 18 now. She doesn’t remember how unhappy she was when we came here. We bribed her with furniture and paint colors in her room. She climbed into my bed every night. I finally made the rule she could sleep in my room one night a week. It was hard, she doesn’t remember. She doesn’t like change. 11 years later, she still doesn’t like it, she doesn’t want to go. We are once again bribing her with paint and carpeting lol. The difference is now she drives, lives most of the week in NYC and doesn’t sleep in my bed anymore. I’m hoping she’ll get over it once we are there and realizes it’s better for me.
Seven weeks until I move. Lots to do. I’m going to start making a list a checking it twice and it’s not to find out whose naughty or nice. I got a lot to do, my aide has a lot to help with. I have a lot of phone calls to make and address changes to call about. It’s very exciting. Packing to unpack. Exciting times indeed.
2 thoughts on “Packing to unpack moving in 7 weeks”
We moved in July and wondered the same—where did all this stuff come from? Still decluttering and feeling lighter. Congrats on the new place!
Thank you