A Wednesday hodge podge
It’s a vision of white outside my window
That’s not snow, it’s fog. I can’t see the water at all. The mist down by the water is definitely something I have to get use too. I’ve woken up many mornings to that view instead of this
The fog reminds me of the Stephen King short story called The Mist. I think they made a movie out of it. It’s eerie to look at but also cool in its own way. It’s supposed to be rainy and cloudy all week so I’m sure I’ll be waking up to this view each morning. I do miss my water but by afternoon the fog will lift and I’ll see it again.
It’s hump day. For me it’s physical therapy. Fun stuff. I have my MS trainer and my pool therapy too. It’s a long day but I have the evening to rest.
I got my eyes checked yesterday. I am now slightly near sighted in one eye as well as far sighted in both eyes. I didn’t know you could be both. I also need reading glasses. That I knew. All in all I ended up getting transition multifocal glasses instead of new glasses, reading glasses and new sunglasses. They are seamless now. I just have to learn how to use them without getting dizzy like my mom did.
Hope everyone has a happy Wednesday