Mavenclad for multiple sclerosis
I had a visual appointment with my MS specialist yesterday. She is the one who prescribes and advises on my main MS drug therapy. Currently I am on Rituxan. The question of my disability getting worse really isn’t a question, it is a fact. We’ve discussed other drugs but unfortunately the one she was waiting for is still a few years off. That’s the Ibudilast. She did yesterday for the first time mention Mavenclad.
In all honesty I didn’t know much about it because I had my head waiting for the Ibudilast or even stem cells. So she told me. It is an oral drug taken for four or five days and then a month later taken again. That is it for an entire year. https://www.mavenclad.com/en/now-approved/?utm_source=GOOGLE&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=2019+Brand+Core%3BS%3BPH%3BBR%3BNER%3BDTC%3BBR&utm_content=Core_Core_Phrase&utm_term=mavenclad&gclsrc=aw.ds&&&gclid=CjwKCAjw98rpBRAuEiwALmo-yhKEBQAJn6dXSWUl2_ScH8yOge3OrOsnm96MMgpEpQALDSPwp5Bw-hoCfTkQAvD_BwE.
Mavenclad is a compound that targets certain types of white blood cells (lymphocytes) that drive the immune attack in MS. It temporarily reduces the number of both T and B lymphocytes without continuous suppression of the immune system. www.nationalmssociety.org
It seriously reduces the immune system so chance of infection is greater. However that wasn’t the issue for me, it was the serious side effects that made me pause. There is an increased risk of cancer with this drug.
I stopped Ocrevus to go back to Rituxan because of the small possibility of cancer. I don’t think my body could fight MS and cancer so I said no to the drug. Sometimes the disability actually weighs more as a plus when other illnesses can become a higher risk. I’d rather be disabled. This drug wasn’t for me but I gave you links to make your own decisions.
6 thoughts on “Mavenclad for multiple sclerosis”
I wish you and everyone with MS don’t get what I got: heart failure. My cardiologist believes this was medication induced. My neurologist is still pushing for treatment even though the cardiologist said to stay away from the biological drugs. I noticed Mavenclad had a warning about heart failure in their prescribing literature on their website.
At this time, I have to make the hard decision on which one will allow me to live longer. I know going off the MS medications will make the disease progress, but I would rather be in a wheelchair than dead. I’m following my cardiologist’s advice, even though my neurologist is not happy.
I’m really hating the Big Pharma drugs. I wish I never would have started them.
Please, please, please talk to your doctor about seeing a cardiologist if you are on any of these monoclonal antibody drugs. What I thought was severe fatigue caused by MS, was really a side effect of heart failure.
Love to you all! ❤
Thank you so much for writing this. It is very important because many doctors like to blame MS for everything before going further in testing.
I too would prefer to be disabled than to fight cancer as well even though life offers no guarantees.
Everyone should be careful with any disease modifying drug. Ask all the questions and weight all the pros and cons. Do what is best for you.
I was kind of debating whether I should write about this, but this morning after reading your blog post, I decided to do it.
I can’t tell you how many tears I’ve shed since the latest diagnosis. I go in next month for another echocardiogram. I’m also writing down my blood pressure 4 times a day since I take a new medication twice a day for heart failure. The conundrum I’m in is my blood pressure normally runs low (105/68), and the cardiologist can’t increase the medication for that reason. Otherwise if he did, it would be 90/50 like it was when he first put me on a higher dose.
I’m just hoping the echo next month will show some improvement. I have an ejection fraction (EF)between 30-35. An EF at or below 25 would mean I would qualify to be put on the heart transplant list.
Oh my I’m so sorry to hear this. I have a low blood pressure as well normally 110/70 have even passed out getting up to fast.
I think MS is enough to deal with it isn’t fair having 2 and unfortunately I know many.
I’m hoping for your echo to have improvement for you as well as your MS staying quiet.
Always hoping for the cure xoxo
Thanks, Jamie! ❤
Writing this was so important for any readers out there thinking about any of the therapies for MS. People need to know all the truths about these drugs. They are serious medicines with serious risks. I personally can’t thank you enough for telling you story and I can’t say enough prayers for your good health. Xoxo