Rituxan infusion successful
I’m happy to report that I have no blisters today. I had three little red marks last night that looked almost like welts. This morning I only saw one. I can’t even begin to tell you the relief that was for me. I will be able to continue Rituxan until something better comes along. That isn’t the greatest statement but it is better than the alternative of putting me on a drug that might not work for me.
The infusion itself was uneventful but long. My first vein we used didn’t hold so I was stuck twice. Not my favorite part. Once the stint was in it was just the drips that took a long time. First was the 250mg of Solumedrol. Then it was followed by 25ml of liquid Benadryl, which was pushed through the IV. This was the step last September that was different and the first time I ever took a pill instead. I don’t know if that helped cause any of the reactions but I wanted it changed back this time. The Rituxan is the longest part and the amount of the drip increases over the course of four hours and 30 minutes. The total time was a little over 6 hours. Like I said long but uneventful. I watched TV the whole time.
I didn’t sleep well which is probably in part due to the steroids. I did get up my normal time and worked out as usual. I am tired as I expected I would be. I have put myself under a two week quarantine with everything going on in the world. I’m sure my body could use it anyway. Hope everyone is safe and has a great week.