Race against the clock
I woke up this morning at 6:30 to use the bathroom and ended up waking both dogs. I tried to go back in bed for a bit but my Zoey opened my bedroom door. She likes to use the wee wee pads on the balcony instead of the bedroom. She got back into bed but Minx got up and was on his own wandering around the condo. You know that leaving a 3 month old unsupervised is not a good thing. So I was out of bed by 7.
This was a good thing because I have to be at my occupational therapist early this morning. I have an issue with my new chair and I am hoping somehow we could lower the chair down. Having issues with my new wheelchair. I am a creature of habit and I wanted to workout before my appointment. I also wanted to blog. I have a few errands to run after and I don’t like posting a blog late in the morning or early afternoon. So I had 2.5 hours to get everything completed. Easy….
Of course not because things never are. My Minx in the 15 minutes it took me to get dressed and out of my room had unrolled the entire toilet paper from the second bathroom. My living room was like a tree outside of the high school’s quarterback home before a big game. As I’m trying to grab it and pull it up, he thought the movement was just more play time, jumping on each strand I was trying to grab. Between him, my wheelchair and the furniture, this cleanup did not prove to be an easy task.
I finally started my workout which I had to pause within 20 minutes because by then I had to use the bathroom again. Another task that is never quick with my disability. The remaining toilet paper was still behind the door i previously closed during my first cleanup was now fair game again to my rambunctious puppy. After that battle was won, I was now watching the clock dwindle down in time. What started as plenty of time, quickly became a race against the clock. With that sentence at 9:16, I’m getting on my shoes and going out the door. All done down to the wire.