I did it!!!
Sure the goal is for me not to end up on the floor but let’s be real, it is going to happen. To be able to get myself up off the floor is a big deal. Especially since not even a week ago I was in the exact same predicament and I couldn’t get up. I had to wait for my aide. Once again on the floor. Not yesterday, I learned from my prior week struggle
I was in my wheelchair for a few hours. I had a contractor here taking measurements and fixing a few things around my house. As always my body gets so tired in the wheelchair. I wish I understood why it is so difficult. When the gentleman left, I made my way to the bathroom. I misjudged my steps going back to the wheelchair. When I went to sit, I wasn’t close enough and I didn’t have the strength to fix myself. Down I slid.
I moved my wheelchair back into the hallway. Last week I tried to do this from the bathroom and there wasn’t enough room. I also got myself into the hall as well. Sometimes maneuvering is the hardest part of the whole thing. My legs never do what I need them to do so I’m constantly picking them up and placing them. My legs become like dead weight and it’s the maneuvering that’s exhausting. It also takes quite some time to turn onto my hands and knees because the core movement to turn over becomes difficult as my body is tired. Yet I was able to get all of that done and my socks off as well. I need in my socks off to hopefully give me a greater traction on the floor.
I used my typical maneuver that I get up off the floor with when I exercise. With one knee on the foot plate and the other one on the floor, I throw my body over the wheelchair seat and hold on to the back. All this is happening while I use my chin to get the chair to lift into its high position. Once it’s high I get 1 foot in the right position that I could put pressure on it and stands and then I get the other foot off the foot plate. I lowered the chair back down turn myself around and sit. That’s what I was trying unsuccessfully last week but was able to accomplish yesterday. It was a good thing too, nobody was coming to help me if I couldn’t do it myself. I celebrated because I did it!!!! That was a huge deal. Yes it would be better if I didn’t fall, but it was so great when I got myself on. 
3 thoughts on “I did it!!!”
A huge well done, you should be so proud. I can just imagine the effort it took for you to accomplish that.
Thank you. I was proud
Good job and confidence builder