Things need to change
I actually got out of bed and ate dinner at the table last night. I am tired of being in this bed. I might not have endurance. I might not be able to take a step. I can usually transfer to my wheelchair with some assistance. Key word is assistance. The aides that I currently have, that “assistance” is questionable. My weekend aide is lovely but her English isn’t good. I would have to translate instructions to her for everything. If I happen to fall, I think that would create a tremendous problem. My weekday aide is week and lazy. I’ve already fallen with her once. Thankfully she was able to work my hoyer lift or I would have had to call for help. The idea of transferring became not so ideal in her presence. Next thing I know for safety reasons no one wanted me to risk getting out of bed unless my PT therapist was here. He is only here 2 days of the weeks, how can I get better on that schedule?
I need to get out of this bed. I don’t love the living room chair that helps stand me up. I find it stiff and uncomfortable. I miss my comfy chair. I can’t get up from that chair. I decided I can use my hoyer to help me out of the chair. I can use the hoyer to get me in the chair if I need. However, I prefer to transfer to my wheelchair by myself. I prefer to transfer to my comfy chair on my own as well. I have a plan. I can sit on the canvas bag used for the hoyer. This way all the aide needs to do is hook up the canvas bag to the hoyer and I can be transferred out of my comfy chair. When my legs get stronger, I will be able to get up on my own. I need to stop waiting to get better to make changes. I need to make changes at the present state of my physical being.
My aide issue is once again changing as of May 1st. I got the approval for the nursing home diversion program. I will now have three new aides. I have no idea what they will be like. They could be better or worse than what I have now. You just never know. My little sister is going to help me create a schedule of my day. This way everyone will hopefully be on the same page. It is very stressful when I get new aides. They need to learn me and my house and I will need to learn them. Plus the dogs are either loved or feared. I want on my schedule to be dressed and transferred to the living room. I don’t want to be in my bedroom until after dinner. It is time. I must be part of my moving and improving. I need to exercise my legs, building endurance, more than the 2 days my PT therapist is here. I need to change how things are going right now. I don’t know what I will have with my new aides but I’m going to set expectations from the start. For both myself and them. I need to change and it starts with me. Good bye to my bed and hello to my living room. Change starts with me.
2 thoughts on “Things need to change”
I perceive we are in a season of change and I am saying GOOD CHANGE.
I hope so. I think we both could use a GOOD CHANGE.