An attempted bombing in NYC
BREAKING: Attempted bombing in NYC subway at Port Authority bus terminal on 42 & 8. The suspected perp is the only injury.
My daughter was much calmer in her text to me this morning, There was a bombing on 42 street station so we couldn’t go through it. I know that there are over 8 million people living in NYC but I worry about mainly a handful of people. My daughter being the one I worry about the most.
I love her and yes, it’s normal, Mom worrying about her daughter, or any children for that matter, but with her, she lives in her own world a lot. She gets caught up in her music or texting and becomes oblivious to things around her. I must say to to her a dozen times a week, please pay attention to your surroundings. She always replies I do and she very well might be, I’m basing this on my last 18 years of experience with her. Truthfully, I would think that would be a pretty good basis of comparison.
I’ve learned though, you don’t ever stop worrying. Just the other day I was on a conference call with my older sister and my younger sister. My mom called in the middle of it and I didn’t switch the phone over to tell her I couldn’t talk. She call my cell phone but I couldn’t pick that up because it wasn’t next to me. With my multiple sclerosis getting to a phone before it stops ringing is nearly impossible unless it’s next to me. When I finally called her back, she was really nervous. She couldn’t understand where I was why I wasn’t answering the phone and thought that there was a possibility that I fell and couldn’t get the phone. She was coming over my house because she was so nervous. I have an alert system that I wear on my wrist in case I fall that I push the button and I can get help. She and my step dad would also be immediately notified. Even with that, she was still nervous. I don’t think you ever stop worrying about your children. It’s part of the job.
I’m happy to report in this instance, nobody was hurt other than the perp as they put it. Unfortunately, this was only in this instance and in this world and in this day, that’s not always the case. If you think about it and worry about your kids, I don’t think you’d make it through a given day. You just got to hope and have faith every single day that they’re safe. Not only safe by themselves but safe from others.
2 thoughts on “An attempted bombing in NYC”
Tell me about it, we go crazy with worry and as you Say its part of the job ! What a great job x
A great job!!! It’s true.