Daylight savings Spring forward
Daylight savings was Saturday night. Clocks went ahead one hour. I normally hate daylight savings. Especially the one in the spring when you lose that our sleep. It just throws me off for days. My daughter came home at about 11 o’clock upset on Saturday evening. She was working so i couldn’t understand her mood. I thought it was because of Saturday afternoon.
She was out doing a couple of errands because we only have one car now (mine is in the shop from my little accident I had last week). She called me up and says someone hit me. I said what do you mean. She said someone backed into my car in the parking lot here. I didn’t know what here meant. The next thing I know I’m asking her about the damage on the car telling her she needs a police report because people change stories and I hear a man’s voice telling me I’m not changing my story I’m the board president. I said Mikayla where are you? To make a long story short she was in the parking lot of my condo and was hit by my condo associations president. Me being me, I’m like well hello Mr. board president it’s very nice to meet you I’m Jamie, I just moved in to unit 424. I was also able to name drop because someone who’s doing work for me grew up with them, so that helped a little bit. Really!!! My car is still in the shop from me backing up into a car and someone backs up into my daughter. You just can’t make this stuff up. Luckily once again everybody’s fine. This mishap is not going through insurance and will be fixed when I get my car back.
Back to daylight savings. So my daughter comes home at 11 o’clock and she’s upset. I think she’s upset about the car but it’s not the car it’s the boyfriend. How it’s the boyfriend? I had no idea because she was at work. Anyway she was upset about her boyfriend which had me up for the next hour and a half. Understand I’m usually in bed by 9:30. My body is exhausted. When I’m asked to be awake, alert, sympathetic an honest at 11:00 at night it’s not so easy for me. I talked to my daughter for sometime. She really wanted me to say that she was right, but I just couldn’t. Normally I am never on the side of her boyfriend because I don’t particularly like him, but in this instance he wasn’t wrong and she didn’t like that. I finally got back into bed and it was 12:3″ in the morning. Daylight savings happens at 2 AM. So really, since I set my clocks up already, it was really 1:30 AM. Me and my two dogs all settled into bed and passed out immediately.
8 AM, which technically was 7 AM, my little dog was up. Truthfully I was up. I thought uh oh this is going to be a bad day. I thought I was just gonna feel awful all day. I was happy to say I didn’t. It was great having extra light. Since this is the first year I’m in my condo overlooking my water, I was able to look out the windows for over 12 hours. It was gorgeous. I was so happy all day yesterday. It was truthfully the first time I didn’t hate daylight savings. I think it’s going to be the fall one when we gain the hour that I’m going to dislike. When things get dark earlier and I lose that view.