Swimming, swimming in the swimming pool
It’s Friday. Happy Friday to everyone. It’s a gloomy day again in New York. That’s OK I’m happy to report I don’t need to go out today. I’m going Swimming though. I’ve been doing laps in the pool. LAPS!!!! I wasn’t able to do that a few months ago. I was hardly able to do a stroke. LAPS!!!! It’s exciting. The truth is my body remembers how to swim even though I haven’t tried it in years. . My feet still have issues they don’t always kick they don’t always come up but it somehow works. I’m definitely better on my back then at the front stroke but I do both. My MS therapist said to my aid, she could swim the length of the pool she doesn’t have to go the short way. I can stand even at the deepest end of the pool plus I stay to the side so if I am running out of steam I just pull over to the wall. So now I’m able to do the length of the pool which is better than swimming to the small sides. By the time I got into any kind of stroke stride I was at wall.
The only thing that bothers me about swimming, is I can’t find a bathing cap that doesn’t soak my hair. I’m 46 years old, I color my hair. Chlorine damages the haircolor. Not to mention in a couple months I straighten my hair. Once my hair is straightened, it can’t get wet with chlorine. So I have to figure this out. Also let’s be honest, I have MS. I can’t be doing my hair every time I’m in the pool. I do not have enough energy to blow dry my hair every day. I’m on my second bathing cap now that also didn’t work. It was better than the first one but still my hair was pretty wet. If anybody has a suggestion out there that would be wonderful. I have no problem going down to the pool and looking like a goofball in a bathing cap providing that it helped me keep my hair dry.
Anyway, I’m off to put on my suit. I go with my aid because safety first, I can’t go by myself. I need to be watched, just incase. Happy Friday to everyone.
2 thoughts on “Swimming, swimming in the swimming pool”
I can’t help you with the bathing cap. My right hand is so weak I would not be able to get it on or off. My hairdresser told me about a combination of clarifying shampoo and powdered vitamin C. It helps to strip out the chlorine. 1 tablespoon of vitamin C mix with 2 tablespoons of shampoo. I mix it up before so I have a lot on hand.
Do you just rinse your hair with it after the pool?