Little miss busy

Little miss busy

Busy busy busy. I feel like I’m on full steam ahead since I woke up this morning. It is partially my own fault, I slept late. I was so tired and it was still a rainy gloomy morning. Even my puppies we cuddled under the blanket fast asleep. If it wasn’t for the fact my friend was coming over at 11 and nails at 12, I probably would have stayed in bed longer. Yet I had to get in a shower, take care of puppies and workout prior to all that.

So I have been literally moving since my eyes opened. My workout was longer and harder than I expected. I’m in a new phase of a program on The MS gym and I never looked at the time. I like to double up the exercises to get more reps in. Would be fine if I knew the program at all. It took me a lot longer to set myself up for each exercise. Then the program was much longer than I expected and I was quite spent after doing double reps of every exercise. Now I may have overdone it slightly. Actually I’m pretty sure it is more than slightly.

My nail appointment got canceled so thankfully the day won’t be too difficult now. Tomorrow is another long day. Therapy in the morning followed by an MRI of the brain, cervical, and thoracic spine with and without contrast. However I’ve received no forms or calls regarding the appointment which concerns me. Anyway on to my friend who was running late which gave me the opportunity to write a blog. Hope everyone has a lovely day. 

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