Sakara food delivery so much thanks for a great gift

Sakara food delivery so much thanks for a great gift

My birthday present started this week. I enrolled in a weekly plan with Sakara. I originally found this food delivery company through my cousin and I got a scholarship for a full week of their food. It was so good, so fresh and perfect for me except the price. I knew I didn’t need a full week of food. It was way to much so that helped slightly because you can customize the weekly delivery. First I knocked out breakfast. Then I realized even lunch and dinner 5 days a week was a lot. 3 days a week would be perfect but it was still out of my price range. I tried to see if the company could do anything but unfortunately they didn’t have a discount program. I was bummed but left it alone.

In the meantime I was constantly searching for another option of delivery meal services. I didn’t want a frozen meal. I wanted something vegan, healthy and fresh. Unfortunately, Sakara was top of the line so it was difficult to find anything even remotely equivalent. I did find Farmers Fridge which is all salads and looks great but they didn’t deliver to my area. Even more annoying they do deliver near me up to Yonkers which is about 30 minutes away towards NYC but still technically part of Long Island. Past the bridges. I’ve written to them more than once and have not received an answer if they will ever deliver to my area. Frustrating!!! Nothing else ever came close.

Then I just happen upon a Black Friday sale right around my birthday. It was from Sakara. It was 25% off anything including the weekly plans. Not only 25% off for one week but it you sign up you get 25% off for 5 weeks. I signed up immediately. It was still tight but I would figure it out. I knew I’d get some money for my bday, it would go right to that. Then my dad and step mom came in and gave me a really generous gift. I’m so grateful for them and words can’t describe how happy I am.

My first week box came last night. It looks so good. You can smell the freshness of the arugula and other lettuce used through the container. I’m so happy. These deliveries of food is just another thing that helps make my life easier. Sakara is just a brand that offers top of the line vegan meals that just eating delivery food so amazing, especially vegan. My sister and brother-in-law gave me my hair straightening which was taking hair care of my plate, my dad and step mom gave me lunch and dinner for the majority of my week. These things just are so amazing. Great gifts and make my life so much easier plus I love it. I can’t express gratitude enough. Thank you. Love you.

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