Murphy’s Law
I’m so glad this week is over. This week was tough. Everything that could go wrong went wrong, but dumb shit. Like knocking things over, my Apple Watch not working for a day, my Bionic Gym stopped working, the new coffee pot was delayed in delivery, and forgetting things I had planned. It was just one thing after another everyday this week. I’m exhausted. I have had a migraine for 3 days now and although today is much quieter than it has been it is still there just gnawing in the background. I’m in a prissy mood, in case you couldn’t tell.
I very rarely bitch and vent on my blog, I try to look at life positively. I’m just a little fed up this week. I am out of routine because of all the dumb shit that had my attention drawn this week, which I hate. I am tired because the other night I was up for hours in the middle of the night because my leg wouldn’t stop twitching. I’m take flexeril, baclofen and gabapentin at night to avoid this. Normally it works well but when it doesn’t, it is really bad. The other night was really bad. Even though I slept last night I’m still hurting. This certainly didn’t help me deal with any stress this week. I can admit I didn’t handle things in a positive manner in all circumstances. I think I’m allowed to have an off week every now and then. I am entitled. After all I have a disease I live with 24/7 365 days a year. I not only get no days off, I get no 10 minute breaks either. My only time off is if I’m lucky to fall asleep for a long stretch of time that extends beyond 2 hours. That is a big win for me. If you call that a break from my disease, than I guess I get a break.
My neurologist prescribed me a new pill for my bladder. I can only hope that will help give me more time to maybe get to the bathroom when I’m up and more time asleep beyond the 2 hour mark. Maybe I can extend my “break”. He prescribed Ocybutynin extended release. I might have been on this before but not the extended release or this dosage. I’m crossing my fingers. I also got compression socks because I have to stop these water pills. I know I need them for edema but they are killing me with my bladder issues
- No MRI changes but MS Worsening, Pool TheoryI wrote this blog a long time ago. I am reposting it because I just had my annual MRI. My doctor was happy to report that my MRI had no changes. No changes but my right side disability has not only caught up to my left side. It usually is worse. My right side that has overcompensated for the last 27 years with the weakness to the left side. The rest side where enabled me some form of mobility. My…
I’m going to sit back and chill with my puppies today and hope that things go normal. I am too tired to deal with any more issues or problems. I’m grateful I get to chill with this cute

She always makes the day better.