Occupational therapy vs Physical Therapy
Happy hump day. Another day, another week. This week was a little different for me because my daughter is home for a visit. I love having her home. I love her energy in the house. I love how she climbs into my bed when she wakes up and is always in my bed before I go to sleep. I miss her when she leaves until I get use to her being gone again. Right now I get to enjoy her being home. I think I needed a little extra love. She is definitely my favorite in the affection department. Still dealing with my solace of depression or introspection whatever one would call it. I do have other things to be happy about. I’m getting my hair dyed and cut and my aide is back from vacation so that jumbled mess is over. Unfortunately, because of that aide shuffle last week I didn’t make it to my mahjong game. I am planning on doing my trial run this week.
I had my occupational therapist do an evaluation on Monday. Today will be our first session. Like my physical therapist, my OT has been with me for three years now. He also knows my determination and will. The difference between the therapists are probably in the expectations. My PT pushes me past the threshold I think I can go. My OT stops when he sees I look tired. It is different therapies that work different muscles. PT is big on having me on my feet and walking. OT will focus more on my upper body, hand strength and transfers. Both therapies are equally important but I find physical therapy much harder. I workout 6 days a week focusing on my upper body strength. My occupational therapist does many different exercises but I enjoy that. I like mixing things up. Walking is so hard each step is exhausting. OT will make me walk but very little in comparison to PT. My level of fatigue after OT is significantly less than any PT session. Therefore, I don’t dread OT as much as I did PT. I think of it as an extension of my daily workout.
So that is what is happening for me this week. Hopefully my hair comes out good. I need a change. I need a style too. It looks really draggy. Hope you have a great day.