A tough morning
I’ve added my Beachbody workouts back into my morning. I know that I push my body to its limit when I do these. I also know my body needs a long recovery time. I usually plan accordingly. Today, I didn’t plan on issues with Zoey too. I had to stop my workout to “clean up” after Zoey. Not normally a big deal but my legs were already 20 minutes into the workout. I ended up sliding down on the floor. My legs and arms were too tired to get me up. So there I sat on the floor frustrated. I finally stopped trying to get up and took a few deep breaths. I waited a minute or two and tried again. I finally made it back up. Slowly I made it to the bathroom to discard Zoey’s waste and got back to my chair. With a little less than 12 minutes less, I finished my workout. I know that may not have been the smartest thing to do, but that’s what I do. I push myself. I don’t let defeat come easily. Once finished, I dragged myself over to my big comfy chair and I’ve been here for an hour and a half. I’m mostly recovered and to me, it was worth it, tough morning and all.