Heat and humidity causing such fatigue
It was hot, humid and hazy yesterday in NY. I stayed in the AC the entire day. It didn’t matter, the heat and humidity still found its way into my bones. I had a very tough day. I normally do a 45 minute workout on Sundays but only finished 30. I had to use the bathroom. That was an unsuccessful event. Bad footing caused me to slide down to the floor. Once I was there, I knew I was in a little trouble. Taking far too long to get myself in a sitting position, I was exhausted. My dogs didn’t help. It was Minx’s first experience with me on the floor too. For this puppy it was playtime. It just made moving that much harder when he was either on my back, pulling my clothes, my hair or my socks. Then he was kissing my face with Zoey, sweet but wrong time. I did get myself up quicker than normal but that was it for me continuing with my workout.
Things just didn’t get better from there. I never really recovered. As the day went on, I became more and more tired. Fatigue was extreme. My arms were too heavy to even pet the dogs. I just day on my chair trying to be motionless but of course that never happens. My stomach had to act up. I made a few too many trips to the bathroom. Thankfully each one successfully. My body was so tired and each trip took so much effort. By 8am I gave up and decided to stay in my room. My stomach ache subsided finally and I was out cold by 9.
I slept good too and didn’t get out of bed until 8am today. It is unfortunately another hot, hazy and humid day today. I worked out but cut the intensity way down. I’m already feeling the fatigue setting in. However, I have my aid today and that helps immensely. Yet, my bones are feeling heavy and it’s only 10am. I might have to nap today. This weather is no joke. Heat and humidity completely affects my MS even if I’m not outside. I’m so thankful I don’t need to go out.
3 thoughts on “Heat and humidity causing such fatigue”
It’s only the people that have had a similar episode that can empathise. I truly hope you recover quickly ( mentally) ,I find that fear of falling or getting stuck somewhere is the worst, being licked to death is just ….normal XXX
Thank you
Btw I loved your family blog although I wasn’t able to comment